In the interest of transparency I have to let you guys know that I’m not very good at multi-tasking. With that being said, it seems I’m never at a loss for side projects and interests. However, making sure that all of those side interests and projects are staying up to date and afloat sometimes escapes me. File this blog under one of those things.
So if you read THIS post you know that I recently started a new job. Well the excitement, expectation and demand of the new job has been my new distraction, albeit a welcome. Still, I’ve felt guilty the whole time because I’ve, A) Not been posting consistently enough for the people who have supported my blogging endeavors and B) In doing so, I’ve not been feeding my own passions. So after 4 weeks of learning the ropes at the new gig, I’m ready to dive back in and pick up where I’ve left off.
Thank God I got to drive the Mazda 3! It was nice to have all of the space the car had to offer my first week of work.
While my commute is now a mere 10-15 minutes, the smooth ride and crisp sound system made it that much more enjoyable.
For fear of jinxing myself, I have to say my first week at this new job was the best first week at work I’ve ever had. I came to my desk and there was a big bouquet of flowers welcoming me, along with all the supplies I would need to start working. On top of that, my computer and phone were set up so that I didn’t have to wait for any passwords to log in. If you’ve worked in corporate American you know that this is a UBER bonus! Do you know I once waited for a computer and logins for more than 2 weeks at a previous job?! Let me tell you! It’s the most nerve-wracking thing to wait for, especially when you’re new and have so much on your ” to do” list and not a clear way to accomplish it.
What’s even better is my boss planned my schedule for me for my first two weeks on the job. I loved this idea because in the past I’ve found myself twiddling my thumbs while my manager tries to figure out what to do with me while they’re running around putting out fires and managing the day-to-day tasks of the team.
The schedule was also great because she built-in time for me to have a one on one meeting with every person in my department as well as get a tour of the building and learn about the company culture. As a corporate trainer this is SO important as I’m going to eventually be standing in front of these folks, helping them to learn a skill they may have never known prior. So, understanding their day-to-day, how they work, and what is important to them helps me to be the best instructor I can possibly be.
This was literally me after my first day of work. I wanted to go somewhere that felt safe and would allow me to really take in all of the exciting changes that were happening to me. As I was driving down the street in my Mazda 3 I looked over and saw the water fountain in front of the Long Beach Performing Arts Center. I felt an overwhelming calm come over me and I sat there for a minute trying to take it all in. I realized after sitting there, why this place felt so calming. I think it’s because for me, it represents so much of what I’m currently experiencing in my life- change, renovation, but at the same time familiarity. The Long Beach Performing Arts Center has been around since I was born, I still remember going there with my elementary school class and seeing The Nut Cracker for the first time. Over the years, this place has withstood so many changes to its landscape, the neighborhood around it, the in and out flux of business, and through it all it has stood strong, never departing far from what it has always been – a home to creativity and a place that Long Beach residents can go and enjoy those moments in life that make you feel happy to be alive. I feel like that right at this moment.
I’d like to thank the folks over at Mazda for allowing me to experience this new beginning in a beautifully crafted car. It is not lost on me that I am wholly blessed to be able to experience a new chapter in my life as they release a new one in theirs.
So Weekender’s, are you guys experiencing any new beginnings in your own lives? How are you feeling as you embark upon them? I’d love to know in the comments below.
Congratulations on your new job! That is awesome. Yes, there are going to be some big changes coming – good ones – in my life and soon.I cannot disclose them just yet (it’s not for public knowledge until it all comes together), but it’s big and I am so beyond ready. Enjoy the new job! It’s always wonderful to have these new beginnings.
So did you get a free car to write this post? If so, you pretty much rock blogging! What a great way to start off a new job. I’d be elated to find flowers at my desk everyday, even if it’s just a handful my toddler picked from my flowerbed, haha. Hope you continue to have a fantastic time in the office.
Awww congrats Winter on your new job, glad you had a lovely first week. When I first entered the corporate world I thought that’s how all companies are then I joined a few others after I realised I was fortunate the first time round.
Love the car and the colour is on point
I just finished purchasing another car and I was looking at the Mazada 3 heavily! Congrats on getting a new job and a new car! Its like having a new lease on life.
What a wonderful job experience you’ve had so far. Most new jobs don’t greet you in such an organized fashion. My new beginning happens to be leaving the corporate world after 18 years to give more focus to my late-in-life preschooler. (I have two teens, as well.)
You look awesome next to this car!!!! 😀 I love the color! And congrats on the new job – your cubicle is looking great! Nice and roomy too, the best part! Mazda is a great brand, they have reliable cars and service! Congrats again!
I couldn’t even imagine getting a new job after being with my firm for 15 years – I think I’d be terrified, but it might also be exciting! Congrats on that! I must say, I’ve always liked Mazda’s but that Mazda 3 is super cute!! I bet it’s a lot of fun!
Aw! That is so awesome! Congrats on your new job. My brother has a Mazda3 and he loves it. I’m glad you enjoyed your week with it! Good luck with your job!
Hey congrats on your new job! That is sure a blessing from God. Keep it moving and more blessings will come. I just love that Mazda 3. The red color is a plus. I want to get another car. My husband and I can use a small car to save gas. Our Ford Expedition would be used for family gatherings and trips. Thanks for sharing about yourself.
I love your red Mazda so hot! You look gorgeous too that gives more with your car. Its so nice to have a job you like and a boss that you can get a long with. That makes any job easy.