Whenever someone invites me to an event, wants to send me product to review, or in this case model for a new curvy collection for an online fashion boutique based on this blog or my life coaching business, my initial reaction is “are you sure you meant me?” I then begin to wonder if I’m being spammed and once I find that the request is legit, I feel instantly honored and giddy. These emotions were exactly what ran through my mind when I was approached by NiMi Style Boutique to model for their new collection curvy collection.

A little backstory- I met Mimi (co founder) at my first ever Passion Workshop, she had signed up after finding out about the event online. After that initial meeting we began following one another on social media and have been friendly ever since. When I saw that she had opened an online fashion boutique that first passion workshop popped into my head and it truly felt like a full circle moment. Here Mimi was following her passion and I couldn’t help but feel connected to that journey in some way. I immediately wanted to support in any way I could and inquired about whether they would carry more size inclusive clothing and Mimi said that was absolutely in the plan. Within what felt like a mere few weeks, they’d gotten in new curvy items and approached me to model for the line! So here we are!

What I love about these clothes is how good I felt in them! I didn’t feel the need to camouflage or feel uncomfortable in my body when I put them on. They were the perfect pieces for my body type and accentuated those parts of my body that I love. I’ve always believed that the way you feel on the inside exudes outwardly and being in these clothes truly made me feel confident, stylish and pretty.

NiMi Styles is a black owned business and I’d love for you to head over and support. The clothing has great quality, there are multi-functional pieces for every style and for my cost conscious fashionista’s super affordable! In addition when you use code WWW you will receive 20% off your entire order! This awesome discount is for a limited time so head over today!
So tell me how you’re following your passions today, or how you’d like to begin! If you have any questions or roadblocks in making your dreams a reality let’s talk about it in the comments below!