It’s been awhile since I sat down to actually type out a post. To be honest, I got in my head about the act of connecting with you through a blog post when it seems like the world is leaning into viewing small snippets of people’s lives with the emergence of sites like TikTok. But I had to remind myself that my blog posts are an outlet for me. They are a way to connect with readers on what could be our mutual interests and inspire you to live like it’s the weekend 7 days a week. So with that I wanted to check in with a community I have been happy to build with over the years and let you know what is going on in my world.
Let’s dive right in…

My New Gratitude Practice
When I went back to work after 6 months of maternity leave I was committed to staying on track with all of the many tasks and projects I anticipated being inundated with. I’d already been using 52 Lists books for idea’s and inspiration and had absolutely fallen in love with the journaling prompts and activities. So it was a no brainer when I found out that they’d made a 52 Lists Planner that I could use that to help keep me organized. What I wasn’t expecting was that not only would it do that, but it would also begin a new gratitude practice that would then morph into a new morning, routine, that would then welcome in a whole wellness project that has helped transform the way I approach my day.
The simple act of using 10-15 mins to plan my day and then write out 1 thing I’m thankful for has now made me look for more things to be thankful for. So much so that I use the 52 Lists Planner and have incorporated an app called Gratitude to further the practice even more. Now before I turn to social media, check email (or even brush my teeth if I’m honest) I sit in gratitude for the blessed life that I get to live. Doing this simple act has transformed me. I feel more present, more patient and dare I say? More happy everyday!
Summer at The Hollywood Bowl
One of the worst parts of the pandemic for me was not being able to go see live shows at The Hollywood Bowl, which if you follow me on social media you know is my happy place. Well now that live outdoor concerts have been cleared I have made up for lost time and have gone to 4 shows already! I’ve seen Leidis sing Nina Simone, enjoyed the sounds of Cynthia Erivo and H.E.R and vibed out with Ziggy Marley for reggae night. There is just something about being under the night sky and listening to good music that fills my cup and brings me joy. Next up, I’m closing this summers concerts with Club Quarantine DJ, D-Nice with special guests Amerie, Carl Thomas, The Isley Brothers and Trey Songs just to name a few. These concerts have been something to look forward to as it so often seems the world is crumbling around us and is a reminder to find joy where ever you can get it!

Summer Travel Adventures with Elliott
I originally thought that having a baby would inevitably slow me down and I’d have to sacrifice doing some of the things that I enjoyed (like travel) for awhile until Elliott was older. This however, couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve actually been leaning into the things I love more and more now that Elliott is here and doing them with her has been a whole new experience. Granted, traveling solo with a baby isn’t easy but it’s really rewarding and has taught me a new way of traveling. Travel before baby I’d pack as much in my day as possible, with Elliott, I find that seeing where the day takes us and slowly exploring a city brings is just as fun. So far we’ve been to Palm Springs (twice), Las Vegas, and Orlando Florida. I plan on continuing to travel and look forward to creating more experiences and memories.
So now that you know what I’ve been up to, I’d love to know how you’ve been. What are some things you’ve done this summer that have filled your cup? Are you traveling or do you feel comfortable traveling? Let me know in the comments below.