“Sister, there are people who went to sleep all over the world last night, poor and rich and white and black, but they will never wake again. Sister, those who expected to rise did not, their beds became their cooling boards, and their blankets became their winding sheets. And those dead folks would give anything, anything at all for just five minutes of this weather or ten minutes of that plowing that person was grumbling about. So you watch yourself about complaining, Sister. What you’re supposed to do when you don’t like a thing is change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. Don’t complain.”
— Maya Angelou
Now more than ever I’m finding it important to be intentional about paying attention to what is bringing me joy. It’s been easy to wallow in the current state of things and believe me I have, but that wallowing doesn’t change anything and it just puts me in a very bad mood.
So I’ve been try something new where I look for joy triggers throughout my day. It’s really shined a light on all that is so so good about life.
Here are my current joy triggers…
Breonna Taylor on the Cover of O Magazine

Breonna Taylor who was fatally shot while asleep in her home by Lousville police officers Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankison, and Myles Cosgrove on March 13, 2020, is an O Magazine cover girl!
If you subscribe to O (Oprah’s magazine for those of you living under a rock) or know anything about it, you’ll know that Oprah has never fully given the cover over to anyone in the 20 years the magazine has been published. While the news surrounding her death has been less than joyful, seeing that her case and her life are continuing to make a difference in continuing the dialog on systemic racism, is joy inducing.
When I look at Breonna (who was an essential worker and EMT), I see someone with dreams and goals, someone who was intentionally creating a life that had meaning in this world. Seeing that life recognized on one of the biggest platforms in the world, brings me joy. It reminds the world to challenge the stereotypical images you may have about young black girls. We are essential , we are dreamers, doers, bad asses and our lives matter.
Beyonce’s New Visual Album Black is King

At a time when blackness can be viewed as a weapon, or a cultural experience to be silenced and ignored. Beyonce’s visual album “Black is King” is a middle finger to that notion. It is an unapologetic celebration and look at blackness in all of its forms. I am proud to view this collection of work because (unless I purposely go and seek it out), mainstream media doesn’t always celebrate, acknowledge or give credit to the cultural contribution and diversity of black people.
According to a press release, Black Is King “re-imagines the lessons of The Lion King for today’s young Kings and Queens in search of their own crowns” and is “a celebratory memoir for the world on the Black experience.” It was filmed across locations in New York, Los Angeles, South Africa, West Africa, London, and Belgium.
I can’t wait to share this with my daughter when she’s older so that she can experience the joy and power I feel as a black woman seeing Beyonce celebrate womanhood and blackness.
The Versatility of my New Senreve Bag
I generally look for a bargain when it comes to most things in my wardrobe. My handbags however, are what I choose to splurge on. In my opinion a great handbag can upgrade any outfit. My designer handbag obsession started with all of the compliments I’d receive when I wore my limited edition Stephen Sprouse Louis Vuitton Speedy . I could wear that bag with yoga pants and someone would stop and admire it. After that, I began taking my handbag collection seriously and have slowly built it with items from Tory Burch, Ted Baker , Gucci and my latest obsession, Senreve.

I’d bought a Senreve bag at the start of the year (pictured above) and was so impressed with its versatility and quality, so I decided to invest in the smaller more everyday Aria Belt Bag . This bag is bringing me ALL the joy and fits everything I need without the weight of a shoulder bag.
Sweet Strawberries and Fresh Flowers at the Hollywood Farmers Market
I’d read that you can’t find a sweeter strawberry than the ones grown by Harry’s Berries. The local farmer has a bit of a cult following from chef Wolfgang Puck to the culinary teams at Bon Appetite and Martha Stewart Living. Being the isolated, stir crazy, quarantiner that I am, I hopped in my car early one Sunday morning and headed to the Hollywood Farmers Market to try them out for myself.
When I got there the line was intimidatingly wrapped around the corner. But I reasoned that I had nothing else better to do, grabbed my spot and waited patiently. Thankfully the line moved pretty fast and by the time I reached the Harry’s strawberry stall they yet hadn’t sold out which I’d been warned they’re known to do. Unfortunately they HAD sold out of the Gaviota berry (their most famously sweet variety) and had a crop of their Seascape left; which the on-sight vendor told me was her favorite because unlike the Gaviota-which was too sweet for her liking,the Seascape while sweet, also had a citrus’y undertone…Well beggars can’t be choosers and that 30 minute line was still 30 minutes so I grabbed a couple(expensive might I add) packs, Can I just say these strawberries are BEYOND what I could have imagined. They are quite literally the BEST strawberries I have ever had. I am on a mission to try the Gaviota variety and have tracked down where Harrie’s Berries is throughout the week.
Taking my Working Outdoors

Ever since following Instagram account FatStudios I’ve been obsessed with home improvement! Starting with my balcony. So far I have invested in outdoor plants, side tables, candles and comfy seating. The feeling I’ve been getting sitting there in the evening having a non-alcoholic beer with LaJon, after a long day can only be explained as pure JOY! So, I decided that since I’m working from home , I’d bring my workstation out. That small change in environment has made the biggest impact on my day! I feel more energized, creative and joyful! We’ve even begun having breakfast and dinner on the patio.
So folks, what are your current joy triggers? I’d love to know in the comments below.