In all my years of renting I don’t think I’ve ever had this much bathroom and counter space! Initially I was super excited about having so much space, but over time I came to realize that I wasn’t maximizing my space to it’s fullest potential. I think having lived and survived in such small quarters in the past, I’d become used to making-do with a smaller bathroom. So when I moved into this one I still confined myself to the tiny area under the sink. That just meant that when I needed to do my makeup or access the lotions and potions I put on my face I had to bend down and search for what I needed or pull everything out at once and sift through what I could find. To make matters worse, LaJon and I shared the space under the sink and my makeup brushes, lipsticks, feminine products, hairsprays and the like were overflowing into his area. I think he could barely even fit his aftershave and deodorant.
We’d gone on like this for almost a year until he gifted me an over the toilet organizer for Christmas. My initial reaction to such a practical gift was dismay but after a month of using it I realized how incredibly thoughtful it actually was. He had probably seen me struggling and knew this was the first step to getting us organized.

Step 1: Storage Bins are your Friend’s

Regardless the amount of space you have, storage bins are going to help you keep things organized. LaJon and I have our own bins with our particular toiletry items in each. Before that, I was using individual makeup bags to store my many makeup and toiletry items. That however, led to me having to search for and remember where I’d placed everything.
This very simple addition has been a life saver in that I have everything I need in one space making them easy to retrieve and I don’t have to bend down to get what I need from up under the sink. In retrospect I probably would’ve gone for bins that weren’t so see through but the solid ones were too small for our things. These actually work in our favor because it requires us to keep the bins nice and neat.
Step 2: Change your Life with a Makeup Organizer
Whether you are a makeup maven or you wear just a bit for special occasions, THIS makeup organizer will change your life! I can’t tell you how much more fun the process of doing my makeup has been with this thing! I’m a huge fan of Kylie Jenner’s line of makeup (don’t judge) and I’d forget the variety of choices I had prior to having the organizer so I’d end up using the same shades over and over again. With this fabulous find, I can get more creative with my looks and actually use all of the amazing products I’ve invested in.
For women who like a more pared down look and don’t use much makeup the organizer can be used for your everyday beauty regimen (if you don’t have a beauty regimen you’ve got bigger problems than bathroom organization) . Because of the many compartments it’s great to store your moisturizer ,toner, creams and other things.
Step 3: Multi-Use Storage Items Have Multiple Uses

It’s called a multi-use item because obviously the item is multi functional. The two I use for this reason are this vintage vanity and grey hamper. We don’t have a ton of closet space so I use the hamper to store our clean linens. I can also pick it up and store it away when we have guests so that they’re out of the way and the bathroom looks less cluttered. The vanity was a side table I used in my bedroom and at one point I was going to throw it away. I’m so happy I didn’t because I now use it to place candles, our bluetooth speaker (when I want to turn on nice relaxing bath music or play a podcast) or for the occasional floral bouquet. I’ve also used the vanity to place my hair care products for easy access when I’m doing my hair.
Step 4: Canisters = Creative Coordination
I realize this isn’t a cutting edge Marie Kondo organization hack
But to me it’s one of those things that you’ve seen many times before, but may not implement and never truly know the incredible benefit. Again, I’d gotten so used to bending and reaching for items under the sink or having to search through cabinets and junk drawers for these things and would often (I’m sad to admit) go to bed without fully removing the makeup from my face.
These tips may or may not change your life in any meaningful way. They have definitely changed things for me. I also realize they are tips that I can use in both a small or large space. What are some of your tips to maximize storage in your bathrooms? I’d love to know in the comments below.
Love, love, love your “Weekend With Winter” segments!
Years ago, I purchased the plastic shoe box containers for my bathroom (cabinets/pantry) from Target, Dollar Tree etc.. They are not expensive and work great in keeping your things organized. Fortunately, I have 6 drawers to my sink vanity so my husband has his 3 and I have mines.
I feel out of sources when things aren’t organized!
Your article should truly help in quick and easy organization suggestions!
Keep up the variety of blessed information that you furnish your readers with!