It’s not often that my college busy baby brother Noah wants to hang out with his older (albeit fun) big sister, however, when I told him about the new Spicy Spooky Cheeto Pizza at Mickey’s Italian Deli in Hermosa Beach he couldn’t say yes fast enough. So out we headed on a Wednesday evening to see if the raves about this pizza were worth the drive after a long day at work and school.
As much as I love a fancy sit down dinner I can also appreciate a neighborhood dive and Mickey’s is just that. We walked in and there were T.V.s blasting the Dodger game with locals gathered around as they waited on their pizza’s, sandwiches and pasta (all of which Mickey’s is known for). I could tell the folks who walked in and out no doubt had their go to menu items and were no stranger to the guys working behind the counter. We ordered our pie and hung back and just absorbed the familial vibe. I also have to point out that I love an Italian deli! I luxuriate over the vast varieties of deli meats and cheeses and seeing Capocollo, Soppressata and Asiago truly excites me. Mickey’s had a beautiful variety of not just pizza but all of the other stuff of an Italian Grandmothers dreams – pasta, hot and cold sandwiches, etc.
We got our pizza and headed to a long table in the back of the deli to dig in. I have to say the black crust and crunchy Cheeto topping was a bit off-putting, it really did look spooky. The pizza literally looked like it had been left in the garbage and worms had started to crawl over it, which when you think about it is the point right? The taste, now that’s another thing… this thing was surprisingly yummy. It had this buttery crunch from the Hot Cheetos and the sauce just paired perfectly with the cheese and doughy crust. I usually toss my crust but I found myself finishing this one up.


Mickey’s Spooky Cheeto Pizza would be a perfect addition to a Halloween party for anyone who doesn’t want to spend time in the kitchen personally prepping food.
So what are some of your favorite Halloween themed foods? I’d love to know in the comments below!