It’s pretty fitting that I’m standing under a sign that says “live” because that’s exactly what I feel I’ve done in 2017- I have not merely existed but I have truly LIVED.
One of the things I love most about having this blog aside from inspiring my readers to live like it’s the weekend 7 days a week- is that it is a documentation of my life and just HOW, I am living it. Weekend’s With Winter is a journal, a gage of my accomplishments, interests, thoughts, my travel, things that bring me joy, even those that have hurt me. When I look back at the year, I get a snapshot of the me I was, then.
With that in mind, I have compiled a list of the best moments of 2017. These moments stand out particularly because I believe they were the moments that showed me important it is, to truly live and not just exist. I hope you enjoy reminiscing with me.
1. My trip to Cuba. I used to take at least 1 big trip requiring a passport once a year, but before my trip to Cuba in February I hadn’t used my passport in over 3 years! Cuba was the perfect place to reintroduce me to my love of travel. Some highlights – Our taxi tour of the Vinales Valley, the infinite amounts of rum inspired cocktails, feeling as though I’ve traveled back in time. This trip made me remember the me I was in my early 20s – curious, unburdened, free.
2. Disneyland is my happy place. I have many, but this place is unlike the others in how simply being there brings me joy. I feel like a little girl again, the one who didn’t need distractions to have fun, only her imagination and an endless supply of sour candy. My trips to Disneyland were a reminder of how important it is to tap into what and why certain things make us happy and why. Going to Disney reminded me how much more wonder and innocence I need to incorporate into my life.
3. My niece’s graduation. It wasn’t an event I documented on my blog, but it was a happy moment for me. Another one of those moments that reminded me about how fast life moves and the importance of being fully present in each moment. I’ve seen this little girl grow into a self-sufficient young woman who already knows what it means to be totally and unflinchingly herself. She reminds me that you can belong to yourself, be yourself, and make good decisions no matter what is happening in the world around you or the world closest to home.
4. I moved this year. It was sudden, wasn’t particularly planned, but the opportunity arose and I hopped on it. I wasn’t unhappy in my old home, in fact I loved my old home and there are times I ache with the memory of it. But my life had seemed to be at a standstill and I needed a change of scenery to jumpstart it again. Plus the new house (FINALLY a house) is in a better neighborhood, cheaper than what I was paying in rent before and a closer drive to work. I love jogging around my neighborhood in awe of the beautiful homes that surround me, million dollar homes that make me feel closer to my million dollar home owning dreams. This place feels like more than just 4 new walls, it feels like a nod from God that I’m inching closer to making my dreams a reality.
5. Partnering with Airbnb to bring my “Find Your Passion” brunches to the masses was unexpected and confirmation that the information I share at the brunch is credible. When I was defining my passions, these brunches weren’t even a thought in my mind. I only knew I wanted to connect with people and inspire them. I didn’t necessarily know how I would do it, I just knew I wanted to. When I got clear though, that inspiring people was one of my passions the what just fell into place, and when the what fell into place the how followed right after. I now talk about one of the things I’m most passionate about weekly while helping others get to the bottom of their own. I’m reminded that I need not worry about the hows I need only set my intention, give it attention and give it no tension.
6. My Emmy’s crash was not only fun but it reminded me of the importance of simply showing up because you never know what may happen. There’s many times I’ve gotten comfortable on the couch and staying in just feels way better than the thought of getting dressed up and going out, but when you push past your lethargy there can be so much fun waiting on the other side.
7. Concerts were one of the best experiences of my summer. I saw some great musical acts (Solange, Jhene Aiko, DJ Khalid, Jill Scott, Bryson Tiller, Kool and the Gang, H.E.R., Khalid) and got to enjoy them with my friends in some of the best venues Los Angeles has to offer. Sun on my shoulders and music that I can groove to will always be a standout.
8. Pulling off various workshops and our huge Wellness event was on my list of accomplishments for 2017. From securing the right vendors, gathering interest that resulted into ticket sales, and creating inspiring content, it was no easy feat, but we did it! The Hummingbird Village pulled off some pretty incredible events with time constraints, a small budget and no prior experience. Plus I got to interview my brother and tap his brain on how passion has directed his life. It was a full circle moment for me. I was able to feel the goodness that comes along with creating a goal and seeing it through.
9. While we started with 4 ladies in the Hummingbird Village, we end the year with 2 (more on how and why here), it wasn’t our initial vision but it what it’s taught me is to trust the timing of my life. That not everyone is in sync with my timing nor me theirs. I have learned from this business change to let things be what they need to be and not try to bend it to my own will because of some picture I have in my mind. With that comes accepting people where they are in their life and not judging whatever course they decide to take. My journey is mine to make and it’s important for me to remember that we all have one specifically designed with the sole purpose of teaching us the individual lessons we need to learn.
10. I went back and forth in my head about whether or not I would attend my 20th high school reunion. On the one hand I told myself that I was still in touch with the people who mattered and those that I wasn’t closest to I could see on Facebook. But on the other hand, I saw it as an opportunity to confront my past. High school wasn’t always the easiest for me and I often felt judged and misunderstood, so showing up the more evolved, autonomous woman I am today, would be a way for me to fully confront my past and embrace who I was before. Plus, if I’d changed then likely everyone else had as well. I’m glad I decided to go. While I didn’t go to the full reunion I did attend the cocktail reception before it. It was the perfect segue into the next stage of my life.
Thank you to everyone who came to this space throughout the year. That you find this site interesting enough to comment on, read or like means the world to me. When you write something in and send it out into space for another person to consume, you open yourself to not only their shows of support, but possibly their ridicule as well. I’ve received more of the former and for that I am grateful. I hope that you continue to stop by in the year to come. I have so much more content to create, information to impart and ways to help you live your life like it’s the weekend, 7 days a week.
WOW! 2017 looks full of fun and glamour for you! I cannot wait to see what is in store for you in 2018! Bigger and better! Happy New Year!
WOW, what an awesome 2017 journey. I agree, we all need to LIVE, life is so short and we tend to forget about living. I can’t wait to see your 2018 journey, I’m sure it will be filled with lots of fun. Love your images!
You’ve had such a fabulous 2017! So many trips and adventures. I still have some how managed to NOT go to Cuba or Disneyland as yet. It’s a travesty that I hope to set right sooner than later. Loving all you photos of you having a great year. May 2018 be as equally amazing, if not better!