Creating affirmations are a great way to begin manifesting the things you want in your life. I can attest that only when I began to get clear about what I wanted in my life, did I start to manifest the things that I wanted in my life. If you agree with that sentiment, then these affirmations are a great way to begin.
Pick the 5 that most resonate with you, write them down and keep them close to you as you go about your day. When you wake up in the morning, read the affirmations as if they are now happening. Feel gratitude and happiness as if they are now your reality. Do this practice when you awake in the morning and before you fall asleep in the evening, and then watch how miracles begin to transpire.
To make it a bit easier to find the affirmation that is right for you, I’ve separated each by the type of blessing you’d like to manifest, for example “Travel Affirmations” “Money & Financial Affirmations”. Choose the ones that most speak to you and let the emotion you feel when you read them be your guide.
Affirmations For More Money & Better Finances
My income is constantly increasing, money flows easily into my life
I am financially free
Financial success is mine, I accept it now
I am wealthy right now
I have released all shame and guilt around money
I have fun with money
I help others make money
I gladly receive money and I gladly give money
I make responsible decisions with the money I receive
I pay my bills with love as I know abundance flows freely through me
I move from poverty thinking to abundance thinking
Prosperity is drawn to me
The money that is needed to achieve my goals is now here
Affirmations for Healthy Eating and Positive Body Image
I am healed, whole and healthy
My body is getting stronger and healthier everyday
I am physically and emotionally balanced
I am healed
I love taking good care of myself
I am losing weight
I release all disease from my body and receive health into my life
I am grateful for my healthy body
Eating food that is good for me comes easily to me
I crave only food that is healthy and makes me feel good
I make healthy choices, I have respect for myself
I love how good my body feels when I exercise
I find time to exercise everyday
I lose weight systematically and keep it off permanently
Affirmations to Attract the Love of Your Life
My heart is open to love
I have attracted my best mate
My perfect partner loves and appreciates me
I am ready for a healthy, lasting, loving relationship
My relationship is loving, committed and long-lasting
The more I care for and love myself the more I experience love from others
My partner believes in me and supports me fully
I love without the fear of rejection
I laugh easily with my partner, we truly enjoy each others company
My family and friends love my partner and respect our relationship
My partner is trustworthy and of moral character
My partner and I are spiritually compatible
I experience intense intimacy with my partner and feel confidant and beautiful when we are together
Affirmations for More Travel
I travel and explore the world whenever I want
I travel first class
I travel easily and move through the world safely
Everywhere I travel I am treated with respect
I am adventurous and welcome new travel experiences into my world
I am comfortable traveling solo
I am compatible with those I travel with
My friends and family have the ability to travel with me freely
Great adventures are finding me
I am relaxed and feel vibrant when I travel
I learn more about myself and the world when I travel
I open my eyes and heart to the beauty of the world
I make lasting connections with new people as I travel the world
I enjoy my meals in every destination I travel to
Affirmations for Friendships
My positive and inspiring personality attracts kindred spirits into my life
The relationships I have with my friends are lasting and meaningful
I treat my friends with loving kindness and I can always make time to spend with them
The relationships I have with my friends are balanced perfectly with both giving and the receiving of support
I never experience drama or stress in my relationships
My friends are easy-going and relaxed
Having such amazing friends lifts my spirits when I’m down
I am not concerned with the number of friendships that I have, but the quality of them
I am blessed with incredibly loyal and loving friends. They are the family I have chosen for myself.
Do any of you have affirmations that you’d like to add to the list? Are there any here that especially stand out to you? I’d love to know in the comments below.
What a great list of positive affirmations. Everyone should be putting a little extra effort into bettering themselves and this is such a great and easy way to practice that. Great resource to share with others too!
I have never used affirmations before, but I can see how they could be helpful. You have provided a great last as a resource here. I would have never thought of all of these.
I’ve started doing morning mantras to start my day and they have helped me so much. I’ve realized that speaking things into existence and exerting positive energy helps a lot. My favorite one is “I am enough.” Simple yes, but I means so much to know you are enough.
These are great for getting your mind right. It is all about focusing on what you want and then going out there to get it. I love the vibe of each of these and will be trying the eating one, that is the area I struggle with most these days.
I’ve never tried this before, but it’s a great idea. It’s a wonderful thing to do throughout the day. Positive affirmations and positive self-talk can only bring good things!
I think affirmations are so positive and keeps you moving towards a healthier, more fulfilling life. I’ve witnessed many hardships with my family, life and so many downfalls in my life. I know that if I succumb to those negative events in my life that I could only get worse from the situations. Having affirmations doesn’t just change your life, but it also helps you keep moving towards change … good change.
It is impressive how much the human mind can do. I fully believe that the mind controls our health. These affirmation are a great resource for the words to say when we need to bring change to our wellbeing or maintain our health.