I was always scared for that moment to happen, the one where your friends get married, have babies and ride off blissfully into adulthood leaving your single, “it’s complicated” relationship having self in the dust. I was sure that this would be my reality and while I smiled, congratulated and genuinely felt happy for all of them, inside. I was just waiting for that shoe to drop and for me to be left out in the cold, the hot mess of my singledom finally catching up with me. So it came as a huge surprise when what I’d been anticipating all along never came to fruition. Instead of being left out of my friends lives, I was welcomed with even bigger open arms, instead of feeling like they wouldn’t trust me to even hold their babies I was asked to be a Godmother and called “Aunty” when there was no blood relation.
I’m not a mother but I’ve been so blessed to be surrounded by some pretty amazing ones and one of the things that really stands out about my mommy friends is how accepting, loving and comforting they are to me even when I’ve been a mess. They take this same patience with me and I see them multiply that 100 times with their kids. It’s actually opened my “I’m never having kids” eyes to what can possibly be.
In honor of my hot mess I’ve teamed up with Huggies as a tribute to my Mommy Tribe. Family Dollar is an amazing store with huge discounts, and really when you’re on a budget and you have single friends( like moi) who still want to grab a drink with you from time to time you gotta get your savings wherever you can get them!
What’s even better about this whole thing is that Huggies is giving all my Mama’s $2.00 off coupons when you visit Family Dollar; see it kinda pays to have a single friend to hook you up with the savings!
Now while I don’t know all there is to know about diapers and such, I do know that Huggies come with increased absorbency at the same value and Huggies One & Done Refreshing wipes are packaged to ensure only one wipe comes out a time so there’s no waste and no drying out! How ya like me now?!?!? Plus I use the little wipes when I’m out and they come in handy for more than just wiping tushies!
So Mama’s out there, what do you do to hug the mess at home? You know when the kids are tearing up the joint, you’ve got to get dinner made and laundry done and you haven’t changed out of those yoga pants in 3 days? I’ d love to know in the comments below!
I had many a days felt like the transition of my friends lives from being a wife or into motherhood would somehow distance our relationships. Now Ive come to know that life changes can tighten friendship bonds beyond my imagination! This blog resonates with me and gives true meaning to the phrase best friends forever. Good read, Winter! -Naomi
Awe thank you for taking the time to read it! BFF’s forever..even in Texas 😉