The internet can be a tricky place to navigate, I experience a list of emotions depending on what social media account I’m wasting time on or who’s Facebook post happens to pop up in my news feed. It seems the good stories make me feel (in the words of Drake) WAAAAAAAYYYY up, and the depressing just stay on my mind on repeat the whole day making me feel like I’m carrying the burdens of the world all by myself . Whether it’s the latest catfight, a bully imposing themselves on defenseless children, or a story of an abused child, these stories present themselves to you oftentimes without your consent. For that very reason my series “Motivation Monday:Stuff Making Me Happy on the Internet” came to be.
This list is the things that make me remember the positive place the Internet can be. A place where ideas are exchanged thoughtfully, where information can be gathered seamlessly and where you can snoop into the lives of random people with their consent unabashedly. Here’s what’s currently making me happy, I’d love to know what links are doing the same for you in the comments section.
I now realize why I did so badly in all my history classes, it’s because my teachers never taught me while they were drunk! So pretty much Drunk History takes a random person with knowledge about a historical moment gets them drunk and has them retell that story all liquored up. The results are both hilarious and surprisingly informative.
10 Guaranteed No-Fuss Stock Photography Websites
Man I wish I’d had this site when I first started blogging. I may have never posted stuff like this and this oh and this doozy! These stock photo’s however are gorge, but what’s even better, is that you don’t have to sign up to some random website that will eventually spam your email in order to use them.
Lists detailing what wisdom and accomplishments one should gather by a certain age usually piss me off. That’s why I was so surprised that this one had the total opposite effect. It’s inherent wisdom without being too preachy and thoughtfulness in its approach was really encouraging. After reading you may realize you’re a lot wiser than you thought but realize there’s always a bit of meaningful work you can continue to do.
I count driving around swanky neighborhoods and imagining how the other half-lives as a hobby. Hooked on Houses feeds my quirk. It also gives you a peek inside some of your favorite homes from the movies. Think Meryl Streep’s gorgeously designed kitchen in It’s Complicated, or Susan Serradon’s stunning Victorian in Step Mom. It’s a voyeurs dream!
5 Steps to Create the Best Elevator Pitch
Remember that part about the internet being good for exchanging thoughtful idea’s? Well this is one of them.
I saw this easy recipe and couldn’t wait to create it for one of my shindigs! In fact I created them this past week for a cocktail party I hosted (blog post to come) and they got rave reviews!
9 Books to Read if you Loved Friends
Is it weird that I fall asleep to episodes of Friends every night? Reading these books would probably be a more productive use of my time though.
If you’re in a writing rut these idea’s would be PERFECT to incorporate into your next blog post. I also love how the creator of this post categorized theses idea’s by blogging niche.
LOL! I wish we had Drunk History when I was college, I think half the students would have paid more attention to it. The five steps to create an Elevator pitch is a cool site, because people need to understand that time is money and you may never know when you will have to sell yourself to a potential client.
I love this post! I sure wish I could have known 20 things in college that I know now! Oh the headaches I could have saved 🙂 This is such a fun idea! Nothing better than starting a Monday than with stuff that makes you happy! Have a great week!
Those BLT bites sound amazing!! I think I need those in my life ASAP.]]
Drunk History is the funniest show ever! I wish they had more seasons available to watch because I need more of that in my life. Haha. And thanks for sharing the link to the stock photos. I’m always looking for great stock photos. An invaluable resource for sure.
I love to surf the net and for different inspiration! I have wanted to get more into books again, I never thought to look for ones inspired by the Friends show before like this. This is a great list of things on the internet to look at.
Thank you so much for sharing the 10 Guaranteed No-Fuss Stock Photography Websites link! I am bookmarking and I am sure i will need some stock photos for future posts
Hahaha. Drunk history makes me SO happy! I love how funny it is!!! <3
I count looking at houses as a hobby too! Here in Vegas, when I first moved, there were model homes galore! I would spend countless weekends going to look through them. Then when I had no time, I would watch HGTV. Drunk History is hilarious!
I’m definitely appreciating the list of books to read! I’ve been running low on good novels in my lineup so this gives me a few more to choose from. Thank you for that an all the other great information in this post! 🙂
This is one of the most fun posts I have read in a while! I especially loved reading about the Drunk History. My history professor was such a BORE! That would have shaken things up a bit!
Drunk History is great. I watched a wedding video of a couple telling their personal history drunk and it was hilarious. I can’t even image sharing that with all of my friends and family members, but they seemed like the type for that to be normal (a group of laid back, funny people: not insulting!) I’m also a hooked on houses at the moment. I just bought a townhouse a few months ago so I’ve been DIY crazy and home furnishing show obsessed. My current “MUST DO”s are redoing my floors (removing the carpet and updating to luxury vinyl), installing a fence in my backyard and updating my fireplace / mantel with airstone.