It’s time for another edition of the “Stuff That’s Making Me Happy On the Internet”. Again this is just stuff that motivates me, brings a smile to my face, makes my life easier, is informative is just ALL AROUND GOOD! I run across so many things that I give the side eye to, it’s nice to see things that are up-lifting. So without further ado…
The Everygirl’s Weekend City Guide to New York City
I love The Everygirl! This site is a truly positive space for women. I think what I love most is that they incorporate information for every girl (hence the name “The Everygirl” ) no matter your race, beliefs, background etc. This particular post is making me all kinds of nostalgic for my years in New York. While New York is a fabulous place to visit you can be truly overwhelmed with the multitude of stuff to do when you’re there. This list perfectly separates the attractions in New York and takes into account your budget while doing so.
Family Photo Bookshelf Project
This Family Photo Book Shelf just hits you right in the feels. I’ve always been of the belief that your home should be a reflection of who you are, and should tell your story. So what better way to show who you are then this DIY with heart and soul?
20 Halloween Costumes that Require Only One Item
Are you a last-minute Halloween Queen? I rarely plan in advance and often find myself scrambling to find a cute, creative and not too slutty costume to wear to the inevitable party I find myself attending each year. If you’re anything like me then you’ll love these creative costume idea’s that require you only investing in one item to pull off.
This Genius iPhone Trick Will Help You Clear Your Entire Inbox
The number of emails in my inbox gives me anxiety, well that is until I learned this nifty trick that helped me take my 6,000 emails down to 500 in just minutes!
Want to Quit Your Day Job? Follow These Steps
Do you have dreams of being the boss (figuratively and literally) well these steps will have you feeling like it’s not all that unlikely. Will it take some sacrifice? Sure. But will it be worth every sacrifice you take? HELLS YEAH!
I hate baby showers (wait did I say that out loud?) I just really dislike the forced “ohhhhs and awwwwws” the silly games and often “dry” drink options. However if all baby showers were more like this I would definitely consider changing my mind on the matter.
So what’s currently bringing a smile to your face? I’d love to know in the comments below!
I am LOVING that iPhone trick, Amen!!! This was right on time. lol