I consume so much information every day. From internet commentary, social media and television, it seems like I’m always trying to decode, absorb , and rationalize the constant flow of info that is coming at me. What I’ve come to realize is, is that depending on how positive or negative the information is, my energy becomes effected. Not to get all “new agey hippy” on you, but I do believe in energy, I believe that we absorb energy in the people we interact with, the conversations we have and the information we choose to ingest. It’s becoming so important for me to protect myself from the constant flow of negativity that information overload can present.
“What’s Making Me Happy” is a post that lists all of those things around the internet that are bringing me joy. You know the good, high, positive energy feelings. Yes the internet is a dark place, yes people can be cruel and the world can feel hopeless. But I believe just as much as there is bad in the world there is double that in the good. I realize that you can’t bury your head in the sand on all topics, and there’s a lot that we do need to be aware of. But balance is key in all facets of life, and this post seeks to tip the scales in the direction of positivity.
Here’s my list…
Thich Nhat Hanh on Compassionate Listening
I’ve always believed that listening is an extension in of love. But could listening honestly cure terrorism? This spiritual teacher sure makes a sound case in the matter
Party Buying Guide
This party buying guide from one of my favorite lifestyle blogs Sugar and Charm is the ultimate for those of us who never know when we’ve bought too much or just not enough.
Michael J Fox Quote
The question was “what advice would you give your younger self’? This quote from Michael J Fox was not only perfectly insightful but beautiful in its truth.
5 Reasons you Should be Proud to Cook in a Small Kitchen
Having only owned small kitchens This post from The Kitchn just reinforces why it’s all about perception when it comes to gratitude.
DIY:Dressed Up Solo Cup
Believe me when I say I am the LAST person who you want to see do a DIY. I’m messy, I never get the directions right, I’m inpatient and I’d much rather outsource these tasks. However this DIY from Camille Styles is so fool proof I’d even try it.
This Couple Built their Net Worth to Over 1 Million and were to retire by Age 30
Sounds almost impossible, but this article on a couple’s savvy saving, planning and small sacrifices enabled them to have the life they wanted by age 30. It is inspiring and completely doable!
25 Beautiful Naturals that Give Us Hair Goals
I love seeing women comfortable in their own skin and rocking looks that make them feel good! These natural hair sisters are doing just that and giving me MAJOR hair envy in the process!
So what’s currently making you happy? Whether on the net or in your real life, I’d love to know in the comments below!
I remember reading that Michael J Fox quote before – it’s beautiful, thank you for reminding me of it! Loving the red solo cup find, too – sound like it could be something fun to do WITH party guests, too 😀
That is a seriously beautiful quote from Michael J Fox!
What a fabulous post! I have always loved the teachings of Thich Nhat Hahn. What a great reminder!!!
These make me happy too! Thanks for sharing your happiness so we could enjoy them!
You have a pretty great list going on. I like the DIY solo cups and the article on the couple who is retired. BTW…I think you may have one of the COOLEST names out there!