Growing up I was always so embarrassed about everything having to do with my period. The uncomfort associated with it, the bulky pads stuffed into an already full purse, the debilitating cramps, and the irregularity of it all. I hated not knowing the exact day it would come and then being totally caught off guard and unprepared when it arrived.
These days however I welcome my period. I see it as a symbol of the incredible things my body can do, be and create. Sure the cramping still occurs, and while I’m more regular than I was at 16 I still get a surprise every now and again. This time however, I’m way more prepared thanks to my “Emergency Period Kit”.
This month POISE is asking the question “How do you recycle your period pad”? Since I’m not much of a DIY’er you won’t find me creating some elaborately crocheted sweater out of unused pads. I’m much more practical and in reality not that crafty. I did however want to make something that I thought would be useful, and help with the discomfort associated with your period all while being cute and discreet enter the “Emergency Period Kit”.
Using an old makeup bag I created something that can be carried in your purse and used in the event that your period sneaks up on you. In it I’ve included an extra pair of undies, wet wipes, ibuprofen for cramps and the POISE thin shaped pad. This way you’re sure to be prepared no matter when your cycle sneaks up on you.
Aside from getting creative for the Recycle Your Period Pad campaign with POISE, I also got the chance to learn more about LBL. Did you know that one in three women experience Light Bladder Leakage (LBL) – little leaks that can be triggered by everyday occurrences like coughing, sneezing, laughing and exercise? And just as no two women are alike, there’s no single reason that LBL happens. Some of the most common things that lead to uninvited leaks include:
- Physical changes from childbirth, pregnancy, hysterectomy or menopause
- Being overweight
- Complications from surgery, stroke, or chronic diseases like diabetes, multiple sclerosis (MS) or Parkinson’s disease
- Bladder or urinary tract infections
Thank God for POISE THIN SHAPE PADS! They are designed to move with your body and feature Super Absorbent Material (SAM) and a Thin-Flex design for extraordinary protection that’s still 3x drier than period pads† to help you take care of leaks with confidence.
I was lucky enough to sample their PERIOD PADS for free and I’m giving my readers the same opportunity! Head over to POISE to get your own free samples , but before you do, tell me what’s one way you recycle your PERIOD PAD?
Carrying a kit like this is important for the just in case. I love the bag that holds everything in it. I had no idea that Poise makes a period pad now it sounds like it would offer great protection!
Luckily I haven’t experienced too much LBL after my babies have been born. I hope it stays that way! But it’s nice to know there are great products to help just in case. I only wear pads during postpartum recovery, and those are so bulky and annoying. A lightweight alternative would be awesome, and I’ll keep Poise in mind for next time. Thanks for sharing!
I definitely learned about LBL that I didn’t know at all before. How insightful! An emergency period kit is with me always! Love that I can always be secure and be prepared. Poise is definitely a brand I’ve relied on for quite some time. Love them!!
That clutch is really nice! I love the vibrant colors. This sounds like a good product to use if you needed it. I know some people need the help! I love that they are offering up a free sample. I will check it out.
I really like the clutch. I carry something similar in my purse that is for emergencies. I experienced a little LBL after my son was born. I carried him so low that I had problems when I was pregnant with him as well.
That’s a cute bag to keep your emergency kit in. I will say that I have been lucky enough not to have ever suffered really bad cramps while on my period. I do have this vivid memory of a friend literally ripping her fake nails off from bad cramps. Still traumatized me seeing that.
Hi Winter!
Just like you I have a mini bag in my purse for “those days” ready just in case Aunty Flow decides to drop up early. I use the Poise pads now, switching from another well known brand and I really like them. What I would really recommend the brand to do is to have that little white band on each package for an easier packaging disposal.
Thank you as I was not aware of this product before! it certainly would have its use, especially when we all get caught out on occasion with THAT sort of surprise!
I had no idea that Poise makes a period pad. That is a great emergency kit to have just in case, I would say one in the purse and another in the desk at the office too! Can’t be too prepared right?
Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly
I love that you chose the practical route for recycling yours. This is a great idea 🙂