Mother’s Day recently passed. After seeing all of the lovely posts about the inspiration and support we get from our Mom’s (genetic and inherited) and feeling the amazing support I get from the fabulous women in my life I got to thinking about the vast amount of women who motivate me.
Of course my mother is #1, I tend to go to her with most of my problems. Her advice is always so spot on and infused with years of experience and factual knowledge. After a pep talk from my Mommy I always feel empowered and inspired to tackle whatever issue life has thrown at me.
But then there are other women I gather inspiration from. These women are not always women I know personally, however their stories, their talents, their experiences motivate me. There is a connection that I draw from them, a kinship that is formed via the heartaches they sing about, the words they form that seem to effortlessly describe what I can’t seem to put into words, the hard work and ambition (though perhaps in a totally different arena) that influences my own work.
Here is my list of Motivation Women, it is my hope that you may be introduced to a woman whom you can now draw inspiration from and in turn inspire those women around you.
Tori Kelly
Tori started out as a YouTube artist and I’ve been following her for a while. Her voice is one of the most technically perfected voices I’ve EVER heard however she never lacks the raw emotion and soul of someone who sings straight from the heart, this girl gives me mad goossies! The girl has an almost cult like following (although she isn’t signed to any major labels) and she has the support of some pretty big music heavyweights. It was hard to narrow down only 1 video to post to introduce Tori’s music to you so I’ve included the 2 that inspire me. The first is an original song that she wrote and the 2nd a cover of Seals “Crazy”. Tori is the perfect example of how you don’t need to be mainstream or fit into a specific mold to do the things you love, how when you follow the path that is your own you can blaze new trails along the way.
I mean who isn’t in love with Beyonce(there are self help groups for those who aren’t)? She’s got incredible talent, stunning good looks, and she get’s to jump off of luxury yachts in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean while on vacation with her equally as talented and charismatic husband and adorable baby. But that’s not why she inspires me. Beyonce works her ASS off! When she steps on a stage you know she’s going to give you her all. She is going to leave you feeling like she’s a new artist still hungry for success, performing her multi-platinum hits like it’s the very first time in front of a crowd who still needs to be convinced of her talent. This can only happen when someone truly loves what they do and is dedicated to being and giving you their best. She doesn’t just stand on the stage while her dancers and background singers (though maybe more technically trained) do all the heavy lifting. No home girl is right there matching every thrust, shake, and musical note with equal intensity. Our professional paths are entirely different but in her I see what beautiful work can be created when you give it your all. Regardless of whether you’re a fan of her music or not, you’ve gotta give it up to a woman who works as hard as she does. Again because I can’t narrow down just 1 performance that inspires me, but these are my all time favorite’s…
Bloggy Inspiration
Before I started my own blog I followed a ton of other blogs and wished that I was doing what they were doing. I would open my computer go to these sites and get so inspired by their recipes, their decorating tips, elegant parties, and effortless style. These blogs awakened my creativity and before you know it I was starting my own blog and throwing my own parties and giving my own tips. The blogs I will list here are the epitome of what I believe to be great blogs. They have beautiful photography, creative idea’s and engaging articles. They are what I hope this blog is and will continue being. In no particular order my favorite blogs are..
Elizabeth Gilbert
“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.
A true soul mate is probably the most important person you’ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave.
A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master…”
― Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love
I was one of the many women transformed by Eat, Pray, Love. Elizabeth Gilbert managed to speak to the free spirit in all of us with her personal tales of travel, love and forgiveness. Since then I have followed Gilberts other work and am continuously inspired by her heartfelt and sincere Facebook posts. Whenever I feel the negativity of the internet taking it’s toll it is to her page I go for some uplifting inspirational nourishment. She is as candid and as charming as she was in Eat, Pray, Love only I get to enjoy her ruminations more consistently. I am often times left feeling compelled to write my own truths, whether it be here or elsewhere.
While she’s my friend and I’m constantly inspired by her personally, I am also inspired by the way she has handled her career. Brandy came on the scene at 15 years old and has boldly stepped into nearly every arena in entertainment fearlessly, gracefully and with a commitment that has been steadfast and unflinching. I’ve had the pleasure of calling her my friend, but when I see her perform I am just another fan. Of course she sings beautifully and she nails every dance move. But it is her command of the stage and her confidence that amazes me. In person she is silly and funny and we laugh like old friends do, but when she is on the stage she is someone else altogether. The aphorism “I was born for this” never rang truer than when I see my friend perform. There are people who entertain merely with their voice or their ability to dance. Brandy performs on another level, her performance is visceral, it comes from a place that is completely and utterly innate. I was reminded of this recently as I set in the audience during her Broadway debut in Chicago. A medium that is new to her she navigates effortlessly as if as the saying goes –she was born for it.
So Weekender’s who are some women who inspire you outside of your family and friends? Is there anyone who’s hustle pushes you to hustle harder or who has overcome something that just puts your own life in perspective? I’d love to know in the comments below!
We all definitely need inspiration! What a great read c:
This was really motivational. I have so many I admire and today I found a few more today thanks to you. I really loved Tori Kelly and added her to my youtube channel. Thank you she is amazing. Thanks for sharing 🙂
There are so many bloggers that inspired me, which is why I started mine also. Then I went to SNAP and it was a conference filled with amazing women!
way to uplift, i love it, right on time 😉
I’m always looking to the women around me for motivation. I know so many great women in my life.
This is a great roundup! I can say without a doubt that my mother is my inspiration and motivation…she is just a wonderful mom and friend!
This is great! I’ve found so many other women to be motivational and inspiring! So many amazing women out there!
I had never heard of Tori Kelly and now I’m busy you tubing all of her songs! This is a great list!
Awesome post! I have a group of friends that motivate me all the time. I feel so blessed to have them in my corner,,
I think it’s so important for women to motivate and inspire each other. So often we see women tear each other down instead of build each other up and it’s sad.
Music is a great motivation, it’s very amazing how my favorite song can change my mood to a positive one so fast! I truly love it.
You just totally helped me find more blogs to love. I am obsessed with The Everygirl website as well. In the blogging world especially it is so important for women to help motivate one another. We all need to build one another up and be a community then tear one another down. This post is simply fantastic
You’ve given me so many new blogs to look up and Tori to seek on YouTube!
I can certainly see where would be inspired by all these women! They are all strong, smart and talented! I have been a Beyonce fan for years myself!
Love everything about this post! It’s so important to find motivational & inspiring women…especially ones for our younger generations to look up to.
I have to agree with you on Beyonce! She is fierce. =) There are lots of great bloggers out there who are my inspiration, too many to name. Great post!
I have a few friends that have accomplished so much in this last year. When i see how well they are doing it motivates me to work harder.
These are some amazing women!! Its crazy to think of were we might be in life if we didn’t have others giving us inspiration and motivation.
All great women from whom to draw inspiration! Glad you decided to join the bloggy world.
Other bloggers is where I get my inspiration from. I actually never really looked up to celebrities and still don’t, I just can’t relate to them. Great that you find inspo from you fellow ladies out there 🙂
You’re right about appreciating the work of someone who gives it heir all. My favorite thing about Beyonce is she always looks happy. 🙂
This was great – I really enjoyed this post and those are some very inspiring women. Thanks for this!
I have so many favorite bloggers – it would be hard to name my favorite. Of course, my mom, sister and daughters are where I look to the most for motivation.
I agree, nothing wrong with a little inspiration from other women. Great post indeed!
It’s always great to hear that women inspire other women. Too often there is competition and jealousy. Great read! 🙂
That is so cool that all these women are inspiring you. I guess I have never thought about who or what inspires me.
This is awesome. I know that I have no problem complimenting another woman and thanking them if they inspire me. It needs to happen more often.
What a great group of uplifting women! We all need to find women that inspire us and keep us going!
What a great blog post! I love it! I find motiviation through my friends when I am feeling down and unimportant. I think we should lean on our friends more!
Those women are really inspiring. They are business, and manage to balance a family life. It will keep us going and continuing
There have been many inspirational spirits in my life, and like you, my mother was the first. She is super talented creative with a huge heart and a beautiful soul. What greater gift than to share, to create, to be a storyteller? That being said, I have to say thank you for the inspiration I’ve drawn from you Winter! You are truly a blessing in my life. When you started this blog it inspired me to do more for myself, pick my pen(cil) back up and create. Cheers to you and all the beautiful women out there who are storytellers. Stay inspired and keep inspiring.
I LOVE Tori Kelly! Her voice is absolutely beautiful! I really love listening to all her stuff that comes out!
It is so wonderful to have women in the world that we can look to for inspiration!
This is awesome! We have to keep each other uplift, motivated and inspired. I love this (and any time one woman is lifting up, complimenting or positively interacting with another woman)
I follow a lot of the same people and sites! I love seeing other women make it. Keeping each other inspired is essential!
I’ll admit that I’m probably one of the few that’s not a fan of Beyonce’s music, but I have always had deep admiration for people like Mariah Carey (we’re both multi-racial, plus she has a phenomenal voice), Queen Latifah, and Jennifer Hudson. My list of women who inspire me is practically endless, though! 🙂
I draw inspiration from my wife, who will give and give, even to people who have hurt her more than once. She may be a saint.