My teen years were both deeply intense and carefree. I was the girl who was insecure yet fun, confident but needing approval. A total conundrum . I could be reciting poetry in front of a classroom full of students, secure in certain abilities but at the same time trying not to act too certain for fear of being labeled stuck up or bourgeois. My teenage years (and some adult years) had me walking a tightrope between who I was and who I deeply knew I could be. It was exhausting at times, and as I grew up I realized totally unnecessary.
But what if I could go back in time? Tell that little girl, that all of the problems she thought were the end of the world weren’t? With all of the knowledge and experience I’ve gathered since that time what if I could go back to my younger self and tell her that all of this, all of the drama’s, the hurt, the insecurities, the pain even some of the good times, they are fleeting.
Today’s post, which is also a link up with other bloggers (For The Love Of Curls) asks the question “when I was younger I wish I’d known…”. It challenges us to ask the question, “If you could impart some knowledge on your younger self what would you say?”
There’s so much I wish I could say to little Winter and since I’m better at making lists than writing letters to myself, here are the top 10 things I wish I’d known when I was younger…
- Pursue the things you love to do as if your life depends on it! If you don’t know what you love to do seek it out like you do those keys you misplace before school every morning. It’s going to be the difference between you helping someone else live out their dreams and you living your own.
- This too shall pass- everything seems like the end of the world right now. That fight you had with so and so and that time what’s her name said you were a bitch. Yeah it hurts, but what you feel in this moment will NOT be forever and staying depressed and going over and over it in your head will not change the fact that some people do messed up shit (by the way you do too at times) and you can’t control what they think of you. After all it’s more important what YOU think of you!
- Enjoy those burgers and fries now homegirl but try to engage in some form of physical activity, because as you get older that metabolism that keeps you in that size 6 will slow down and eventually you’ll add wine to your versatile palate and well it’s all downhill from there :/
- Write Winter! I know you think you’re not good at it right now and you cringe looking back at your old journals but know that if you continue to write you will get better. Creativity and talent come from continuing to do those things that are innate. Writing is that thing, and when you refine it you will find that you’re better than you think you are
- Diversify your friendship portfolio. You will grow and become a better person by befriending people from all walks of life. Don’t worry your main girls will be your mains for life, however there is a lot you can learn by opening yourself up to people whose interests, values and lifestyles are completely different than yours.
- Don’t take the word of other’s when it comes to who they tell you God is, get to know God for yourself. God is your homey, a confidant, your BIGGEST support. God wants the very best for you even when you mess up or feel you don’t deserve it. So start to create some quiet time to be alone with God on a more frequent basis because in that time you not only become closer, but things in your life will become more clear.
- The desires of your heart were put there for a reason so trust your GUT! If you feel the urge to travel do it, if you feel the urge to move across country do it, if something just feels wrong and you can’t put your finger on why trust your instincts they’ll never lead you wrong.
- That guy that you think you can’t live without? You totally can and you will. In fact you’ll only waste time with the wonderful man that’s really meant for you by continuing to shed tears about the ones that weren’t.
- BLOG! You’re on to something…
- YOU are the SHIT! Believe it, OWN it and don’t think that thinking it makes you stuck up or full of yourself. In fact thinking that makes you a better person to all of the people who will come in and out of your life, because at the end of the day you can’t begin to love them if you don’t love you!
I realize that the only reason why I can come to any of these conclusions is because of the experiences that would ultimately develop me into the woman I am today . But it’s fun to ask yourself; what if? In the end I wouldn’t change a thing (well I may have gone easy on all those burgers but only for health reasons). I am who I am because I had to experience the good and the bad and I am grateful for every moment.So folks, what would you go back and tell your younger self if you had the opportunity? I’d love to know in the comments below!
I guess I would piggyback #4, its my favorite. “Creativity and talent come from continuing to do those things that are innate.”
Create, Create, and Create. I would tell young Nik to wake up everyday and share her talent with the world! Never stop writing, painting, dancing, or sharing…never worry about making money doing it, never compare or wonder if you are as good as the next person. Just rise and shine!
I really would just tell myself that it gets better and not to rush things. Slow down and figure yourself out before you dive into serious relationships.
I love your throwback pics! It’s always great when you look back and learn from your past experiences because the application of knowledge is where true wisdom lies.
Great post, I enjoyed reading it. I’d tell my younger self that everything will work it self out. Laugh and enjoy life as much as possible and don’t dwell on things, that in the grand scheme of things really don’t even matter. XO
I totally agree with Anitra’s comment above. I’d tell myself that everything will work itself out in the end and not to dwell so much in a past. Great post and thanks for sharing!
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