Hey Weekenders! I hope everyone had a fantastic Turkey Day! Mine was fab and I can NOT wait to tell you all about it. At the moment I’m out-of-town on business (my 9-5 gig) so my posting may be a bit sporadic for the next few weeks. However, I was sitting in a training class today that stopped me in my tracks and immediately made me know that I had to add it to the Motivation Monday posts here at Weekends With Winter.
“People don’t buy “what” you do they buy “why” you do it”. Our instructor played the following Ted Talk to drive this point home…
I hope that you watch the whole 13:32 min of this video as it was so life changing for me. I began to think about the “why” in the aspects of my life. Whether it be “why” I continue to create content for this blog, or “why” I give my energy to certain people and situations. Knowing the “why” and being able to connect to it (honestly and whole heartedly) will guide you in the decisions that you make.
Let’s get down to the “why” of life. Because I believe when we operate from the “why” we are operating from the truth. From the deepest parts of what drive us, and sometimes knowing what drives us is very telling of whether our needs are healthy or not.
So Weekender’s, what is your “why”? Let me know in the comments below…
You are so right, when we get to the why of things then we are operating on truth! Wow,that is definitely something to keep in perspective when I work toward my goals! Watching the TedTalk now!
I completely agree with the why vs what that matters most to others. The what is often a gateway to people wanting to know more about the why – like sales for instance. Often it’s the why you are doing it that will make the sale. Great post!
Oh wow this video was very insightful to me. I never seen put this way to be honest. Is so true. Thank you for sharing this.
This was such a great video – getting down to the why really puts things in perspective.
Great video – thanks for sharing!
That was just what I needed!! So thought-provoking. I definitely need to remind myself that every time I publish a post…why am I doing it?? Thanks!! Loved!!
I’m such a “WHY” person…It’s hard not to be. Thanks for sharing the video!
When I think about the “why” I tend to focus more, find that I can really direct my energy to where it is needed and have a better perspective on things.
Your right, this is really eye opening. Thanks for sharing, I will look at things differently now.
I’m really struggling with the “why” in relation to my blog. It’s unbelievably easy to write about what I love, but networking is so time consuming. Teetering between keeping at it and pulling back.