I am SUCH a procrastinator! I want so very much to have my sh*t together when it comes to creating great content for this blog, decorating my house for the holidays,catching up with my “real” work, family,and friends. But alas, I’m always trying to find a way to stay on top of it all and still have the time to enjoy a glass of wine at the end of the day( can I get an AMEN if you agree). Thank God for the internet though because it helps us procrastinaters with lots on our minds figure our crazy lives out!
So back to the reason for this post…Halloween is one of my fav holidays,( actually I’m kind of obsessed with EVERY holiday but that’s another post for another day) and my Halloween love began with the DIY Wonder Woman costume my Granny created for me before DIY was a “thing” (Oh you thought that was really Wonder Woman in the photo above didn’t you?). I have loved the holiday ever since and trick or treating in the fancy neighborhoods was our jam (come on now, you know they give out the best candy!). When we would come to a house with their lights off, the homeowners acting like they weren’t home so as not to be disturbed, it really crushed my little candy lovin heart 🙁 I always said to myself if I were to have my own place I would do it up and have the best candy so that all of the kids could experience the true magic that is Halloween! But again, I’m a procrastinater and while I have the best intentions I don’t exactly have the follow through. But that’s OK because with a little research on la internet anything can be figured out!
So if you’ve bought the candy but your porch needs a little Halloween face lift look no further than the idea’s below. They’re pretty affordable and most idea’s are one’s my really crafty folks can DIY, you know now that it’s a “thing”…
Love the front porch ideas – oooo black pumpkins!!!
lmao I am definitely not one of those people who buys Christmas presents in July let me tell you so I feel ya! LOL! Last minute but I do love DIY stuff like this. I love decor that is unique, chic and still a lot of fun! 🙂 These are all really cute!
Love that festive wreath! Happy Halloween!
Great decorating ideas, love it.
I am not a big fan of any holiday, but I used to work for a company that went nuts for Halloween and it was fun.
i love halloween and all holidays too.. but i’m the same way. i’m such a procrastinator. in my head i’ll have the place fully decorated and start up new traditions.. and in reality i’m pulling together another last minute costume and making last minute plans to go somewhere. one year it’s gonna happen though!!
Love the front porch idea. We did nothing. We took the kids trick or treating but our porch was plain and boring…
I am all about last minute! These are great ideas!
The Accidental Mama
I love the black pumpkins, such a cute decor idea for next year.
I wish I would have made more time to decorate for Halloween! I was pretty “lazy” and didn’t even make it to the pumpkin patch.
I tell myself every year I’m going to decorate for halloween… and then halloween comes and no decorations lol. These are great ideas though!
Lots of great inspiration here, the Happy Halloween banner is my favorite !
I’ve been wanting to make a wreath like that for a while now… but I too, procrastinate! haha maybe I should just buy it from Target!
I’m a procrastinator when it comes to finding costumes to wear, I love the decorating part and I LOVE these porch ideas!!
I love those black and white pumpkins – I’ll have to do that next year! Such a great change from the classic orange!
I love the look of this decor. I think the orange and black heart wreath (although it looks like a circle to me!) is my favourite out of your picks 🙂
I love these ideas! So cute!