Have you ever heard the old adage”laughter is the best medicine”? Well researchers say that the effects of laughter and exercise are very similar in that they both boost your heart rate. Researcher William Fry even went as far to say that it took ten minutes on a rowing machine for his heart rate to reach the level it would after just one minute of hearty laughter! Which is music to this girls ears because I’m all about finding ways to boost my heart rate that doesn’t involve monotonous exercise. Plus, I mean, who doesn’t like to laugh?!?! It’s one of the top qualities people look for in a mate, and when it comes down to it, one of the few things in this world that we can do completely free of charge without restriction.
It doesn’t matter how particularly hard my day has been, if I can find a way to laugh it immediately change’s my outlook. Don’t believe me? Take a look at a scene from one of my favorite movies “Steel Magnolias”. In the scene Sally Field has just lost her only daughter Shelby, to kidney failure. While totally gut wrenching, what happens next will have you believing that laughter truly is healing…
On this Motivation Monday I urge you to see the humor in your life, stop taking yourself so seriously and really make time to laugh. If you need a little motivation, you’ve come to the right place…
Now that was a whole lot of funny right? Which one literally made you LOL? Do you have any go to movies, songs or meme’s that make you immediately laugh? Let me know in the comments below.
Hahah, I love this! And I love to laugh! The e-cards get me every time.
This is absolutely true! It’s amazing how powerful the brain can be.
Thank you for the laughs, I definitely need to laugh on Mondays.
The 30 second sex one and the last one got me, as well as the wine label – brilliant! Thanks for giving me a little giggle Winter! We all need to laugh a little more!
Katie <3
OMG!! Okay, so I smirked at “biggest lies on the internet: LOL” … kinda true!
LMAO these are awesome! HAHA!!!! NEXT MONDAY!
Content of women’s magazines… hahahaha I am dying of laughter! Thanks for sharing some sunshine on this wonderful monday. XOXO
I love Steel Magnolias, those e-cards are great
Exactly what I and everyone need to end a Monday morning. Thank you (:
Ok, I automatically love this because of the Steel Magnolias clip…THE BEST! 🙂 This is a great way to start every monday…by finding the humor in your laugh..and you found some great memes! Thanks for the laughs! 🙂
It’s true that laughter is the best therapy ! Great up lifting post ! Thanks 🙂
Oh yes!! Laughter really is the best medicine!
Lol…these are all funny. Everyone needs a good laugh 🙂
I so needed this today. Thanks.
Ugh why am I now just seeing this? I could of used this post when I was sitting at work earlier today! This is such a great motivational monday post 🙂 Thank you for this!
Oh my gosh, laugh every day. It’s a must. Thanks for sharing such a great, funny post! 🙂
Omg thanks for the free laughter, I love the once upon a time one so cute
You are totally right, no matter how bad things are, laughter makes everything feel better. And yes, vodka will make you think you can dance LOL
LOL!! I loved all of those! What a great post 🙂 you brightened my morning. Thanks!! ❤️
LOL! I love the your e-cards! They’re always hilarious!
These are hilarious. I shared them. Thanks for the giggles!
LOL! There, I definitely did! 🙂 I love that scene from Steel Magnolias, though it is painful up until the laughter. I’m also going to need that Wine Wednesday meme, love it!
Haha the biggest lies and the Friends were my favorite! How can you not love anything from an episode of Friends?
haha! I definitely needed this!
Laughter IS the best medicine. I love the pinning motivational sayings quote.. Lol.
I just love that movie. Always puts a smile on my face.
So funny!! I remember that part in Steel Magnolias. Laughter is the best medicine.
Next Monday! LOL – (and that was a real lol, not a fake one)
This was great! Thanks for the reminder that sometimes a little laughter goes a long way. I’ll be trying to remember this and will bookmark that video to watch when I need!!
Ahhhhh Steel Magnolias! One of my favorite movies. I love that scene because you go from being so incredibly sad to laughing hysterically. Sometimes ya just need that! Love this post…totally made me happy after a long day!
Great movie you picked! Such a classic 🙂
I love this! It made my morning!
Thanks for the funnies Winter..very cute! I love the clip from Steel Magnolias as well, its such a classic.