Have you seen those meme’s, the ones that say ” Monday’s are fine, it’s your life that sucks” or ” Monday’s don’t suck it’s your job”?Well these post’s irk me ! They seem to assume that if you don’t have the opportunity to do what you love for a living then your life somehow “sucks” .
Well, I’m here to tell you that, regardless of whether or not you are living your dreams or doing what you love every day, you’re still living and that’s great in and of itself. I wish I could say that my blog is my full time job, I wish that I could say I am able to sustain my lifestyle by simply posting to this wonderful blog. But like most, I have a full time job, one that I am SO very grateful for but one nevertheless that does not fulfill me as much as this blog does. When Monday rolls around and I must get up to go work this blessing that I call a “job”, I need some motivation to get me there.
This post is for those of us who need that extra motivation on Monday morning. Those of us who need to feel good about getting up and going to do the things that they we may not WANT to do, but HAVE to do to keep food on the table and our kids healthy and happy. To you I say keep moving forward, working hard and trusting that where you are in your life at this very moment is exactly where you are supposed to be. Keep striving toward your dreams but don’t let the world make you feel bad if you haven’t gotten there just yet.
What inspires you to get through your Monday? Are there any of these quotes that resonate with you?
Have a great Monday Weekender’s, let’s make this one the best one yet!
It’s a common theme these days! Everywhere we read, “drop everything and live your dreams! The universe will make it all work out!” I prefer to put food on the table for the family, and work toward my dreams. It would be reckless for me to drop it all now. I do have a check out of the rat race date in my head though! Thanks for the post!
Seriously if I could high five you I totally would! You just put into words what I was thinking! It’s all about priorities at the end of the day, and I value taking care of myself and being self reliant. The reason I have this blog is to have something for myself that brings me happiness, but I’m not going to throw my responsibilities away because my other responsibilities don’t live up to it. I just thank God each day that I have it because it’s something I turn to for inspiration.
Love these sayings! I actually love Mondays. My family is all back to school/work. It’s usually a very productive blogging day for me! 🙂
At the end of the day it’s all about your perception of “Monday”. Monday is merely just a day, it’s the beginning of something you don’t look forward to that’s really the issue not “Monday”. 🙂
I try to look at Monday as the start to new possibilities! Why make a habit of dreading something that comes every week?!?! Find something good! Thanks for the encouragement!!!
I love your outlook on it! You’ve encouraged me 🙂
I really like the Steve Furtlick quote. It seems that with Facebook and other social media people often forget that what you see is the “highlight reel,” not the struggles.
I feel like as a blogger I can be guilty of that as well, I strive to bring not only the pretty but also the real to this blog for that very reason.
Great post, I agree with you! I had to work the worst job of my life several years back and still I kept going every day because I had to. It was one of the toughest 2 yrs of my life. Hope this post finds it’s way to someone that needs it!
I had the SAME kind of job years back! It was so hard for me to wake up and go in, but I had to. During that time I started to really look within to try to find happiness in other parts of my life. I remember driving into work (the long way) praying and asking for direction from God. I ended up getting fired from that job shortly after. At the time I was devastated ( I had just moved into my own apartment). But a month later I got an amazing job, paying more money and that introduced me to a new and better skill with new and amazing people. I still look back at that time in my life and I remember how I felt each Monday but it also makes me appreciate the Monday’s I have now.
I love these! Especially the Jim Carrey one! It is so true that you do not need fortune to be happy with where you are now! Saving these for later!
I love that it’s from Jim Carrey even more! It’s like he’s more known for being funny but that guy has a deeper side most people don’t know about.
Sometimes quotes say more than face value!
Very true! I was a little burned out on them initially but there are some out there that really inspire, you just have to dig deep.
Those are great positive comments. Thank you for the inspiration.
Thank you for stopping by, I’m glad I could inspire you in some small way 🙂
I like it. Most of us need motivation to get past a nice weekend and go into the rat race because we need to pay our bills. Loving the inspirational quotes – and the Jim Carrey one is pretty awesome!
I don’t know what I love more, the quote or that Jim Carrey said it. I love that someone so silly has such a inspirational side 🙂
Haha…today, today was one of the first non-sucky Monday’s I’ve had in a while…I happened to be at a water park with my kid rather than at work! But I don’t think Monday’s are really “sucky” they make you miss the weekend…good things can still happen on Monday.
That sounds like a wonderful Monday! I feel like Monday is just an “idea”. What if you work Tuesday through Saturday (like hair stylists)? Your Monday would be Tuesday so really it comes down to how you look at the start of your work week. Do you welcome it? Are you thankful for it no matter what it is you have to do? Monday’s are a frame of mind at the end of the day.
I love all the quotes! So inspirational for a Monday.
Glad I could inspire 🙂
Monday sucks for us today so this was a great post! My husband is in the military & has to work 12 hour graveyards till next Tuesday- uhg.
Much respect to you as a military mommy! My BFF was a military mom and I know how much work and love goes into the job. Mondays are just an idea, it’s all about how we usher in the beginning of the week and how we look at what we have to do as opposed to what we need to do 🙂
Honestly for me Monday’s are just like any other day. I know we all have that Monday feel of dreading to wake and head to our respective jobs but I have accepted were I am and happy with it. It’s perfect for me and maybe not for the next person.
Well said my friend, most of us have it pretty good, just flip on the news and you feel pretty blessed considering the conditions that other nations live under.
Exactly! Perspective is everything!
lOVE these motivational quotes. Another I saw recently was something to the effect of “motivation is fleeting. Learn discipline.”
Wow! I love that! I can definitely say that I am motivated by a lot but discipline has been fleeting.