9 times out of 10 you or someone you know has dealt with the effects of cancer. I myself have lost loved ones to the disease. At the end of the day cancer does not discriminate based on age, nationality, sexual orientation or gender and is a terrifying thing to experience for both those diagnosed and the people who love them.
Thankfully there are organizations like Walk With Sally…
If you’re a frequent reader of the blog you may remember me talking about the organization’s annual fund raising event “White Light White Night” here and here. This last Walk With Sally event “Because of you” was a thank you to all who helped raise the $250,000 needed to make the “White Light White Night” a success. Because of the funds donated, Walk With Sally can continue creating a safe haven for children who have a parent struggling with cancer, and by connecting them with a mentor who has dealt with the same life changing event these kids have someone who can offer both their support and empathy.
Not only a thank you from Walk With Sally’s organizer’s, the event was also an opportunity for us to see the program in action. After hearing first hand from a mentor and mentee currently active in the program, we were able to see how much of a difference is being made in the lives of these children and the adults who support them.
I’d like to thank Walk With Sally for allowing Weekends With Winter to cover the event, I am truly inspired each and every time I witness how this organization is changing lives and supporting people struggling with this awful disease.
What a wonderful organization! And thanks for highlighting it on your blog–the more people know, the more ways they’ll have to help fight cancer!
What a great organization! BTW – I love your cocktail glass logo!
It’s so great you are involved with this. Cancer sucks and anyone willing to help fight it is a star in my books!!
Fuck cancer! I’m glad there’s orgs out there fighting it.
What a great event. Walk With Sally sounds like such a great and worthwhile charity.
I love how this month brings focus to so many blogs. Bringing purpose to the table. Love that you are involved and inspiring others!
What a great event! Thanks for highlighting it!
I really love this post and the awareness you are bringing. Cancer awareness is important. It’s also a great time to realize their are many people who have cancer and who are aware of it, and a lot of those people who are fighting that battle right now, they don’t want to talk about it because it’s very real to them and it’s terrible. But they like support, they need it. I have a friend who is a popular writer and right now we are writing uplifting or silly cards to her because checking the mail to see a fun card vs. a bill from a treatment is much better.
My Father has an ongoing 10 year battle with cancer. We’ve come to accept that this is simply part of his life now. The DR’s call him a “miracle child” because he’s had it pretty bad over the past decade, but he’s always pulled through.
What an amazing event and beautiful as well.
That’s great that so much was raised. I hope that there will one day be a cure, and soon! So many lives lost.
Love hearing about causes and events like this! So many good people doing good things in the world!
Thanks for sharing this with us~ it sounds like a very special organization. I lost my father to cancer, and I pray we have a cure very soon.
This sounds like an awesome organization and I had never heard of it before! Thanks for sharing!!!
Thanks for sharing! My sister works in Breast Cancer research and it’s hard on her to see so many going through this. We will find a cure!
What a great organization! I did a Relay For Life walk to raise money for cancer (my mom is a cancer survivor) and it is so great to see everyone come together!
So many people are affected by horrible cancer! I love all these kinds of causes that help out!
What a brilliant charity – it’s especially difficult for children to deal with the effects of cancer, but it’s a struggle for anyone! I lost my grandmother to the horrible disease 🙁
Katie <3
What a great charity!
What a great cause! So many people are affected by cancer, and it’s nice to know there are organizations helping the families get through it!
What a great event and cause! 250k is a lot of money to raise, congrats !
Wow that is so nice! We lost my mother-in-law to cancer a few years ago.
Walk With Sally sounds like such a great organization! It’s great there’s organizations out there like this.
I’m so thankful that organizations like this exist! They do so much good!
Cancer is such a B! Great cause and way to show support!
What a great organization, it’s great that your involved with it 🙂
Great organization that you are part of! Your support of such a wonderful cause is inspiring. Thank you for your support.
Thrifting Diva