Today I allowed myself to do something that I swore I would NEVER do, I allowed myself to cyber debate with someone over social media, and to make matters worse it was with someone I don’t even know! I made a promise to myself awhile ago that I wouldn’t debate with people over the internet for a few reasons. 1) The majority of the time no one ever really “wins” these debates or walks away having truly understood how the other person feels 2) It requires too much negative energy-I never feel particularly “good” afterward, in fact it makes me anxious and aggy and I end up being mad at myself for wasting my time on something so unproductive. Lastly, and this for me is a huge one because I pride myself on being self aware. 3)You’ve now subjected yourself to the judgement of others, and while I am certainly of the opinion that “it doesn’t matter what people think of you ” I am also aware that the hills (or in this case the internet) have eyes and you never know who is lurking behind a computer screen. Let’s just say it’s your moms co-worker who you just so happen to bump into in the line at Starbucks. She keeps staring at you saying she swears she knows you from somewhere ( you however can’t place her face if your life depended on it) when it suddenly dawns on her! You’re her co-workers daughter! And upon further inspection, you’re also that crazy lady who was arguing with her friend on Facebook about whether or not Beyonce and Jay Z are getting divorced and who’s to blame in the whole debacle. She’s thinking to herself, wow her mom has the nerve to brag about how amazing and accomplished she is, I wonder if she knows she’s quite accomplished at writing long drawn out rants on Facebook?
This scenario is not so far fetched, and when you think about it, it’s always that one time you get caught acting out of character that sticks out in peoples minds. Folks never seem to remember the photographs of you giving food and clothing to those orphans in Haiti.
All of this negativity had me wanting to get back to my “happy place” and what makes me especially happy is connecting with people in a positive way. Rather than stay in that low energy space, feeling all irritated and ridiculous. I’d rather learn from the experience. So where does one go when they wish to learn something these days? My Pinterest page DUH (shameless self promotion). So I started there first and began looking up quotes that I can refer to the next time I feel the pull of a cyber fool or any fool for that matter (myself included). Hopefully by sharing these quotes you guys can refer to them when you feel the pull to be anything but the cool, calm, collected person you are.
Do any of these quotes resonate with you? Do you have a mantra or any advice you tell yourself to talk you down in the heat of the moment? Let me know what you think! As always regardless of how crappy people can be, remember to just keep the party goin!
Pinterest is a great place to go for encouragement! These are great quotes. Thanks for sharing!
Pinterest is like the best thing to go for all of life’s needs these days. What did we do before it? LOL
Aaaahhhh, I needed that! Thanks for the five minutes of inspiration!
You’re welcome!! Thank you for reading!
It’s sad when you look back and realise you wasted your time on someone or something that didn’t even matter, at least you sought inspiration afterwards though.
Yeah, it’s all about making sure you learn the necessary lessons 🙂
Yes to all these quotes!!!!
HA! They’re so real I wish they were actual quotes from mouth LOL!
LOL this made my day!! There are so many times when I just want to comment on something but never do because I know that it would start a cyber fight!
RUN RUN RUN the other way when that happens! In the grand scheme of things it never quite works out how I want it to. Even when I say something profound and I think I’ve put the person in their place, they just keep coming back with another insane comment and it’s never ending!
I soooo needed to read this post today… Thank you for sharing. And those quotes were on point.
I’m glad you connected with this post! I had to turn that negative to a positive in some way, I couldn’t let all that negativity win for the day.
Isn’t it amazing what happens when people can hide behind the Internet? It seriously amazes me to see how negative things can get and fast!
I call people who get a gangsta on line “thumb thugs”. They’re probably the quietest mousiest people in their real lives too. LOL!
I love all of them! Definitely make you feel good:) Thanks for the happiness boost!
WHOOP WHOOP! Thank you for taking the time to read them 😉
Love this! A bit of inspiration and positive thinking!
YES! It really is that simple. If I took a 1 minute pause before responding to negativity and remembered all the positive stuff in my life, I’d never have to find myself in these situations.
This was a really great post. I really appreciated it today especially. It has been a bit of a rough one for me. Thank you. I try so hard not to argue with people online. Makes me sad to see. I am glad I can come to places like here with so much positive energy!
Wow this really made my day! I’m glad this post resonated with you, I know I’m not alone in feeling like this and I always try to make sure I’m being as real and honest about my perspective as possible. It can be hard because you’re putting yourself out there to be judged but responses like yours makes it all worth it 🙂
Love all of these – my fav is “don’t be a lil shit” …lol I sometimes want to tell my friends that. Maybe I’ll just resort to posting it on FB instead.
HA! That one is so simple yet rings so true. It’s like come on regardless of whether you’re right or wrong, no one has the right to be a “lil shit”. NO ONE!
Love all of these quotes
Thank you! They are funny and quite real which makes for the perfect quote!
Sucha a great post. I love all of the quotes that you picked out too.
Thank you! Those quotes are so real and they remind me what’s really important at the end of the day.
Those are really great quotes. I’ve gotten in to arguments with people on facebook and forums too and for a while just stepped back and stopped posting on them, because the energy it takes is insane and accomplishes nothing.
Exactly! Afterward I never feel quite good about the whole thing regardless of the outcome. I’ve taken to just deleting or hiding the people on my Facebook who post nothing but negative, immature posts.
I feel like debating online is just a waste of time. One of my favorite quotes is,”How beautiful it is to stay silent when someone expects you to be enraged.”
You’re SO right! I’m going to remember that quote when I get the pull to argue.
Well expressed! I made the same mistake recently (Madonna vs Beyonce). I knew better but we all make mistakes. My mantra : When you see crazy heading your way, cross the street!
Oh that’s a GREAT quote! I’m gonna cross the street, cross the lake, cross the universe from now on 🙂
I always look for positive quotes and little tips when I’m not in a positive vibration. I love treating those moments like learning experiences too!
Pinterest to the rescue oh how I know this soo!!!!! Thanks for these great quotes especially the one about being a lil sh*t!!!! LOL
Ahhhh I’ve been there with the cyber debating. Yeah, not usually good, although I usually do acknowledge that I could be wrong or it is just my opinion, but sometimes I just get where I can not help but express my thought especially if I have a point of view that nobody else has expressed. It happens. Yes it sucks when people judge and “yell” but hey, it will all be forgotten when they go judge and yell at someone else which will be soon because it’s what they do.
Last time this happened to me was on FB. Someone posted a picture of a dog with a bunch of puppies. The dog and her pups looked happy in a nice cozy living room in front of a fireplace. They said how cruel the owner was to not have fixed the dog. I said something like, “Forgive me if I am missing something but I am just thinking that not every dog can be fixed, right? After all then there would be no more dogs?” Well people went nuts telling me I was so ignorant and cruel. Yet they never really addressed what I asked or explained to me how it is that every dog can be fixed in the world and somehow we’d still have dogs to love.
Ehhh whatever- it happens lol.
I love quotes! I have not quite gotten into Pinterest thing yet. But I love quotes.
I love them too, I do however hate to see the ones that are misleading or have the wrong author. These I felt were authentic and funny 🙂
Pinterest is a great place to find quotes that bring you up and inspire you to greater. I am sorry that this situation happened to you, but glad you could learn from it!
Quotes just put me in a happy place. Cyber arguing is never productive, but sometimes I can’t help it either :/