There is just something about a good playlist that can take any party to the next level,I’ve seen a party turn from bland to boisterous at the change in musical selection. Guests feel a little more comfortable, get a little more talkative, have a lot more fun.Think of the music as an accessory; the cuisine your clothing, cocktails your shoes. However the piece that completes the look are the accessories. Those ornate earrings, that gorgeous ring, that understated but elegant necklace. While not the first detail recognized when one steps in the room, as the night goes on and people begin to converse it is what stands out. Such is music.
This is never more important than planning the musical selection at a dinner party. You want music that allows guests to hold conversation, but nothing too slow that they’re falling asleep, and depending on your audience you want the playlist to be diverse so there’s something for everyone. A lot of times in situations where you have assorted musical tastes, there are songs and artists that are universal (show me a person who can’t appreciate a Michael Jackson hit and I’ll show them the door) .You don’t need to study Bach’s whole concerto just so you have songs to play for your friends who love classical. It’s a slippery slope but there are so many solutions. You’ve got music apps like Pandora, Spotify, iTunes. You also probably have a friend who’s an intense music fanatic and you can always hit them up to put together a playlist for you, and if all of that isn’t enough, you’ve got me and I’m prepared to give you a list of some of my dinner party faves.
This list as with music itself, is ever growing. But these are my go to songs. They make you feel good, loosen you up, get you talking. This playlist is living and breathing-songs get added and deleted as new music emerges. I change the order depending upon the mood I want to evoke at different stages of the party. If I know I’ll have more hip hop fans or jazz fans I’ll add more of those songs. But whatever the case may be, this is my “go to” list, where I start and build from. As you listen please let me know what your faves are, are there any songs I’m missing that are your surefire get the party going jams? Please let me know I love hearing from you. Until then enjoy my dinner party playlist…
I never think to play music when people are over. Maybe I should next time!
You totally should! You wouldn’t believe what a difference it makes 🙂
Love this blog post and this is so true! Music is what makes ALL of my parties!
Thank you!! I love creating the perfect playlist for a party, it truly does change the whole mood when done right!
Great tip!
Thank you!
I’m in the same boat as ^melissa^ It never occurs to me to play music at all when we have groups of people over. We are all usually too busy talking and eating to play any music…either that or someone turns the T.v. on. I guess if we had music going then maybe they wouldn’t turn the t.v. on then, lol.
Try it you never know how much of a difference it will make 🙂
I do love a bit of background music when I’m cooking/eating. You can create such an atmosphere with the right mood music!
Music is like the background of my whole life! From riding the subway to driving my car to shopping it seems music is at every point in my life so it made so much sense it would also be the background to any great party
I just told my husband the other day I needed new music. I’ll check this stuff out.
Cool! Hope you find some songs you like!
Great post! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a blog post about dinner party music! This is something I always struggle with. Do I just put in one CD? Do I create a playlist? iPod? It’s especially hard when you know everyone has different tastes…I’m going to use the “go-to playlist” idea to come up with something I can use in a pinch! Thanks so much!
No problem! It’s so fun to come up with too. Get feedback from your guests ask them what songs they’re liking right now 🙂
I totally agree! Music can make or break any get together. I like to have music on throughout the day as much as possible just to boost my mood when I’m feeling down!
It’s seriously like the BEST way to turn your mood around! Thank you for reading!
Thanks for sharing!! I’m always on the search for good “party” music.
You’re welcome! Spotify is my go to for any and all music so best of luck on your search 😉
I love music, it totally sets the mood. I haven’t heard some of the songs on your play list. Now I will head on over to youtube to check them out! Thanks.
AWESOME! Hope you like them!
I love Coldplay! I’ll have to check out some of these other artists! I love finding new songs that I fall in love with.
Coldplay is one of those “universal artists” I love to play. No matter what even if people dont’ know of them they tend to always like the music.
Nothing like a good play list.
Great post! I love having music on while at a party!
Thank you and thank you for reading!
I love playing music while guests are over, but my go to is just normally a pandora station. I love the idea of making a playlist! 🙂
Yeah I love Pandora too however if I have some time I love making a special playlist. It really does help set the tone of your party.
Love your playlists! And I love listening to new music 🙂
COOL! Thank you for listening, I hope I listed some songs you like.
Love this list!!!
Awww thank you!
This is an awesome playlist! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for listening!
Fun, eclectic collection for your dinner party! My husband and I *love* music, and we love using music to set the stage for our events (and heck, even when it’s just the two of us eating dinner on a weekday). Anything from classical to jazz to ambient techno… 🙂
Music is totally the soundtrack to our lives. It can make even the most menial chore feel less menial. I love sharing music with the people I love too, it creates amazing memories 🙂
Its been while since I DJ’d lol at any party usually am the guest lol. cool playlist you got there
it is amazing how music can just set the mood for an event!!! like you said, the key is to have it quiet enough to still hold conversation!
Oh man, I wish I could plan the music for parties – my husband always insist on being the dj!
I will remember this next time I host a party!
I love a bit of background music whilst I’m working or have dinner guests.