Nothing makes me feel more relaxed on the weekend than listening to some of my favorite music. It goes back to my childhood, I can remember running errands with my mother in her vintage Volkswagon Beetle, windows rolled down, wind in our hair obsessed with all things Michael Jackson. Music has always been a huge part of my life. I was born from a musician, my daddy is a singer, really my whole family on my dads side has some involvement in music so I guess you can say it’s in my bones.
Music brings people together, it shows us that we’re not all that different, it gets us through the tough times. So here on Weekends With Winter I’m going to do a weekly playlist for you guys. I’m gonna make a list for you highlighting some of the artists I’m currently grooving to in hopes that they may get you grooving too.
This blog is all about partying and living your life like the weekend is everyday, so it makes sense that my first list of songs would be ones that inspire you to get off your a** and get the party started! I hope this play list does that for you.
If you see a song that you think should be added to this playlist let me know, I love good music and I’d love for every Weekender to hear what music makes you move 😉
Now for my list…
I along with 1/2 the world am obsessed with that Megan Trainor song! Great picks!
That song is SO sick! I love the message and I love the beat. Def will be dancing to this one during my next party.
I am ADDICTED to Taylor’s new song. It’s so fun and catchy. I’m currently in love with “Cool Kids” by Echosmith.
Oh that’s another song I love!
Shake It Off has been my jam lately!
I literally sing it like I wrote when I’m driving, complete with hand motions and everything!
All About that Bass & Shake It Off are 2 songs that need to be added to my work-out playlist! They are fun songs! <3
I am so behind the times on musics. I haven’t heard any of those yet! Maybe it’s time to update my playlist 😉
HA! That’s how I feel when I listen to the radio. I just go with whatever moves me and I listen to a lot of Spotify 😉
SO many of these are my current jams! Love Taylor Swift’s new song!
It’s a total hit!
Oh my gosh, rude is one of those songs that I have to hear 100 times a day…but I am addicted to the melody and find myself waking up with it stuck in my head! lol
Such a sad but upbeat song right!?!?
I LOVE music! Great playlist, my fave is Rude by Magic! and Rather Be by Clean Bandit. I also recommend Chandelier by Sia, or Black Widow by Rita Ora & Iggy Azalea, and Reverse by SomeKindaWonderful. Those three have been my ultimate faves.
Great music choices! I agree, music makes us relax and have more fun! I’m just listening my own playlist for the weekend 🙂
WHOOP WHOOP! I can’t wait to hear your choices!
oh taylor swift… at first i didn’t dig that song, but good ol taylor has won me over….
I wanted to dislike her so badly at first but I get her now! She’s all feel good music> When I want serious artists I’ll listen to those but when I wanna feel good and silly and just dance I will def listen to go ole Tay Tay 😉
These are some great song choices.
Thank you!
Man, now I have Megan Trainor’s song stuck in my head again, lol.
HA! Glad I could help with that 😉
Love all of these! Taylor Swift is my girl!
Mine too! I sing this song in my car like I’m in the video LOL!
Oh my goodness. Where have I been. I only know two of these songs. :-/
HAHAHA! I feel that way every time i listen to the radio!
Great list, I listen to these songs all the time on the radio to and from work each day 🙂
Great minds 😉
yes yes yes to all of the songs you pickeda