Spring is here and Easter is right around the corner and you know what that means! Time to break out your baskets, egg coloring kits and Cadbury eggs! However if you’re like me – over 10 years of age, aren’t named Mary and don’t have a little lamb thus never needing a basket and can’t stand cream filled chocolate eggs, none of this sounds appealing to you.
What does make Easter appealing however are the beautiful colors the season evokes! I’m a pastel kind of gal and seeing pinks, yellow, green and purple displayed in a beautiful floral arrangement or a lovely tablescape literally makes my heart soar!
Today’s post is dedicated to all of those folks who love Spring and want a more mature way of displaying Springs vibrant colors in their homes or at their parties. So whether you’re hosting Easter, Resurrection Day, or Passover dinner, this post is for you.
Tin Basket
I found these really cute tin baskets in the dollar section of Target! Use them as a place card for guests when setting your table and fill it with your favorite treats.
Artificial Butterflies
I went to Michaels and found the CUTEST artificial butterflies! I Immediately thought of all the great ways to use them for Spring. In the first and last example you can see a close up of my mantel where I taped the butterflies to the top of the mantel making a sort of butterfly banner. I also affixed a butterfly to a nice flower arrangement and around a wine glass at my place setting. There are so many ways to use them and something I think I actually might incorporate year round!
Chalkboard Coasters
Another cool Target find were these chalkboard coasters. They came in both blue and black and looked really cool on my table setting. They were also just a dollar! Gotta love Target!
Perfectly Placed Flower Arrangements
Sometimes all you need is beautifully placed floral arrangement for Spring. I have a couple around the house and it truly makes the space feel that much more special!
Creative Plating
Get creative with the plates you use and add a nice cloth napkin in a Spring color. It doesn’t need to be matchy matchy and as you can see once you pull the whole look together it all kind of just works!
I hope some of these tips have given you inspiration for this Easter Sunday. Pick and choose what works for you and as always have FUN with it!
I am in love with the butterflies and the colorful napkins and plating! I want them on my table year round 🙂
Right! I don’t want to take them down! I’m like this can be all year round right :/
I am in love with the butterflies and the colorful napkins and plating! I want them on my table year round 🙂
Right! I don’t want to take them down! I’m like this can be all year round right :/