Growing up I can remember the excitement I felt whenever my mother would entertain at our home. I loved the sounds of laughter and music vibrating through the house, I loved waking up early to help her clean anticipating who would show up, I loved playing coat check girl as I took peoples purses and coats to my room, and I loved being my mother’s helper throughout the night as she entertained our closest friends and family. It is a feeling that stays with me today as I entertain in my own home, taking cues from my mother when hosting my own events. It is this love of entertaining, of hearing that laughter and the sound of music vibrating in my own home that continues to bring me joy. As such Weekends With Winter has been birthed from that love. Here, I hope to document my own parties with friends and family while giving readers tips for their own gatherings. It is a joy of mine to host people in my home and it will be an even bigger joy to document those moments for you. I hope you will enjoy spending your Weekends With Winter….
I have ALWAYS…THOROUGHLY enjoyed myself at You and and your mom’s parties over the years…I’m not just saying this because you are my sister, I am saying this because it is true…Your parties are #everything!!! I am ALWAYS mad when I am not invited to a function at you or your mom’s house…LOL (and you know I’m not lying!!! #insider)
Love ya!
Thank you Gina, you have always been a huge supporter of me ! Love you!!
LOL! I love posting so it won’t be long between posts!
OMGosh! You know I ALWAYS tell you jow much you and your mom taught me during the time I lived with you. Congratulations Winter! I am so very proud of you! Love you girlfriend!
LOVE YOU my beautiful friend!!
I love your intro Winnie– Beautifully stated.
Awww thank you so much Takiyah, I’m smiling from ear to ear!
waiting on each post with bated breath!
LOL! I love posting so it won’t be long between posts!