It can’t possibly be time to wake up, it’s still dark out, I think as I roll over to check my phone and press the snooze button for the 3rd time. However it is time to wake up I frantically realize, and after that 3rd snooze I know I’ll be running late once again throwing off my whole day! It’s the same story every Monday. Me, scrambling to get myself ready and out the door in time ( I don’t even like to think how much worse it would be with children), barely enough time to put on makeup and have that much-needed cup of coffee. Rushing, frazzled, irritated, by every single obstacle that seems to present itself on the 1 morning I just need everything to go smoothly.
It’s the Monday morning so many of us experience, whether single, married, with or without children. Mondays,they can take you by storm, leaving you feeling unprepared to tackle the day. But what I’ve learned is that if my morning goes smoothly it has a trickle down effect on the rest of my day.
Most important to getting my Monday started on the right track I’ve realized, is making sure that my morning goes smoothly. Along the way I’ve learned some tricks that have helped to motivate me and lessen that frazzled anxious feeling.
These tips have helped to ensure that I am able to
- Get where I need to on time
- Not feel rushed and unprepared
- And most importantly, approach the morning with unwavering optimism which in turn has a positive effect on the rest of my day.
Learn my 5 tips after the jump…
1. Plan your Ensemble the Night Before
If you’re one of those people who are effortlessly fashionable then this may not be an issue for you. However , while I think I dress pretty cute I must admit that I do have to give it some effort. There’s a meme that I’ve seen circulating the net that give or take a few words, say’s something to the effect of, “it’s not that I don’t have anything to wear, it’s that I don’t have anything in my closet that represents the woman I’m supposed to be today”. That’s my constant struggle when getting ready on Monday morning. I have a ton of clothes but nothing that makes me feel how I want to feel on the day of the week that is dead set upon kick my arse! So my solution? I take a little time on Sunday night to choose my ensemble for the next day. I’m in no rush so I’m not having to throw my outfit together thus making me look thrown together, and if for some reason there’s a stain I didn’t notice I can get it washed in time for the next morning. Doing this act alone has allowed me to shave 15 minutes off of my morning routine!
2. Get 30 Minutes of Quiet Time to Yourself
Whether you’ve got a big family and your mornings are in a constant state of disarray, or you live on your own and all you’ve got to be responsible for is yourself; There’s nothing like having a bit of quiet time to start your morning. There is a stillness and calm to the world in the morning, a feeling of peace that can only be felt when you’re completely alone. In taking the time to pray, meditate, read or do whatever it is that motivates you,you are recharging your battery for what the day has in store for you. For me it’s having the time to enjoy a cup of coffee and write in my journal. Whatever your “quiet time” is, give it to yourself and see how that feeling of calm stays with you even when the world around you frenzied.
3. Eat
There’s a reason why we were told in school that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Now I’m not saying pig out on pancakes, eggs and bacon (but if you want to I’m all for that too), what I am saying is eat SOMETHING. Your body responds to the nourishment you give it, and in turn helps to give you the necessary energy you need throughout the day. So whether it’s pancakes and bacon or a piece of fruit, take the time to eat something. Your body may react differently to different kinds of food so it may not be in your best interest to eat anything heavy however start it off light and I promise you’ll see the difference in how you feel throughout the rest of the day.
4.Create a Motivation Monday Play List
I have a playlist for nearly every emotion I may be in the process of feeling at any given moment throughout my day. It’s a group of songs that when played I feel I can get through whatever obstacle is currently plaguing me. My most useful playlist is my “Motivation Monday” playlist. It’s a group of songs that when listened to make me feel like I can take on the world. Some of the songs make no sense to anyone but me ( I have some Chris Brown in there) but that’s because the songs speak to my personal journey. I can be going through almost anything and when I play my Motivation Monday play list my mood instantly changes. Create a playlist of your favorite songs and while you’re getting ready in the morning rock out to that playlist and you’ll see how effortlessly your morning moves along.
5. Stay off of Social Media or any Other Entertaining Distraction…At Least While You’re Getting Ready
So this is one tool that I excel at sometimes and completely suck at other times( come on I’m a blogger after all). However when I’m excelling I can see the time I get ready chopped down by at least 15 minutes. I roll over in the morning, turn off my alarm via my iPhone and get caught up in all the action that has occurred on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter while I was sleeping(which is usually not a lot) and when I look up so much time has passed I now find myself rushing! On the times that I’ve resisted the social media urge, I find I’m not as anxious and I feel more optimistic through the day. A lot of times there’s so much negativity in social media you also have to remind yourself that reading some of that stuff can stifle your day. So give yourself the morning to get YOU together and when you’re together give yourself permission and a time limit to your social intake.
I needed this….It’s Monday, and here is sit eating Halloween candy on the couch with my kids surfing the net (albeit, doing bloggy stuff is somewhat productive). Kitchen needs to be cleaned and laundry needs to be done…and I didn’t eat anything today (aside from Halloween candy). Thanks for the kick in the pants. lol
These are great tips..I also hit the snooze button several times!
Great tips! Staying off of social media is a big one…you think you’ll just check it for a second and then you get sucked it and waste 10+ minutes. Thanks for sharing this 🙂
Great Tips. Quiet time to center yourself for the day ahead is always important. Thanks for reminding us of that.
Love these ideas! Especially the Motivation Monday Playlist!
I actually love planning my day or whatever else the night before – especially if I am going somewhere, I don’t want to forget things. 🙂
Great tips, and yes, when you add kids to the mix, it gets even harder!
I am going to take this as the kick in the butt I need to really start my days right! Because you are so right, if the morning doesn’t go smoothly and with energy my whole day seems blahhh!
Amazing points that I will be adding to my routine!
Staying focused to get things accomplished seems harder these days because of social media, in my opinion!
if I would plan my outfit the night before and stay off social media in the morning, then everything would go perfect haha.
Those are great tips! I work from home on Monday and that’s helps me a lot. Since I start early in the morning, my husband takes care of getting the kids ready, making lunches and everything else. Lucky me! I don’t really feel that Monday rush!
These are awesome tips. Thank you!
In the recent weeks, I’ve worked enough overtime for two jobs. With that being said, I’ve found that if I lay in the bed with my empty thoughts and allow my brain to “wake up” first I feel a lot better afterward. The best part of waking up is not in my cup, its in the ceiling, staring back at me.
Yes!!!!! Quiet time is something I could stand to add to our routine. Thanks Winter