I’ve told this story a thousand times, in smaller circles, mostly family, friends and Facebook. However I’ve never told this story in as big a forum as my blog, but the story needs to be told.
Back in May of 2005 I’ d just turned 26. I was bored, in a dead-end job, and not sure where my life was going, I was simply existing with no real direction when the opportunity to move to New York with 2 of my girlfriends presented itself. You see, my best friend had just gotten a job with JetBlue Airways and one of the requirements was that she had to move in order to perform the position. Being the carefree, single, Sex in The City loving gals that we were she suggested that I move too. My friend had even set me up with 2 job interviews with the company so having to worry about a job wouldn’t be a problem. On top of that she had also found the perfect apartment in a safe neighborhood and near the office, so how could I turn it down? To top it all off I told myself there was nothing in California holding me back. I was young, had no children, no relationship tugging at my heart strings, so my natural answer had to be YES, HELL YES! I could literally see myself in my high-heels, hailing cabs on my way from my dream job to have drinks with my own personal Mr. Big. It was everything I needed to begin living the life I’d always imagined (and seen on t.v.).

My best friends and I posing in our 1st NYC apartment . That look in our eyes? Oh that’s the look of naivety
So back to those awesome jobs I had interviews for. The first was a flight attendant position and the 2nd a coordinator position in JetBlue’s “Uniform’s and Appearance” department. I didn’t think it could have been more perfectly planned. Both jobs spoke to my abilities to socialize and accessorize so I thought for sure I was a shoe in. Plus I had my “in” with the BFF so I knew what to expect in both interviews. I was sure they’d be fighting over me so I went to Macy’s purchased a $200.00 suit for the interview (tags tucked in just in case) and went there prepared to blow them away.
Now this wouldn’t be a good story if it ended with me getting either job so you can probably already guess what happened. Yep! I was flat-out denied! Denied in my $200.00 grey polyester and linen Macy’s $200 suit. After picking up the shattered pieces of my ego I marched myself right back to Macy’s to return that lovely suit. I know it wasn’t ethical but I had rent to pay and with no other job prospects a girl had to do what a girl had to do. So I’m at the register, receipt and suit in hand and as the sales lady opens the bag the suit pants are nowhere to be found. How could this be? I hung the suit back up in the plastic garment bag that came with it right after the interviews and put it right back in the bag. I’d had the darn thing on for less than 2 hours! I started to panic and began rummaging through the store like a crazy woman on all fours, looking under racks and between displays hoping that my pants were magic pants and had somehow gotten tired on the subway ride over, freed themselves from my shopping bag, and landed on the Macy’s department store floor. You can probably guess this wasn’t the case. So I packed up what was left of my purchase, hightailed it back to my apartment in Queens-a train and 2 bus rides away. By the way, those dreams of living in the big city? BOGUS! Oh and Carrie Bradshaw? Well she has something called ” rent control”and “rent control”is an ancient practice that no longer applies to people who live in that thing called the “real world”, but I digress…

The view right outside my not so vibrant Queens neighborhood in good ole NYC. Manolo’s weren’t made for this kind of cold!
So I’m headed back to Queens, to my apartment by the nothing special save for the bodega and laundromat. I run up the stairs tear through the house and I can’t find the suit pants anywhere! I look high and low and the suit is gone! So here I am, broke, jobless, and now I’m suit pantsless. What’s a girl to do? I did what any respectable 25-year-old young woman would do, I called my mommy and cried. I knew then that New York just wasn’t for me. I didn’t have the money for next months rent, I lived in the boonies so it wasn’t like I was experiencing New York in the first place. So I hatched a plan. I’d move back home to save money, get a job, and pay rent until the lease was up in the Queens apartment and then start over. My mom listened, she entertained me, she never once said I was weak, or I was giving up. She even said I could come home if I really wanted to. But she also encouraged me to try again. She said to have faith, that everything would work out and that maybe this was just a set up for something better. My mom was right.
Broke and jobless? Yes. But that didn’t stop this girl from taking shameless selfies and fashion risks.
No sooner than I could dry my tears, I received a phone call from a girlfriend of mine back home inquiring how I was doing in the big city. I told her about the failed interviews and the missing pants and the far away apartment and before I could finish she offered me enough money to help me get through that next month. Maybe New York was meant to be after all?
I ended up finding a job in customer service at a web hosting company. I was thankful but I couldn’t help thinking, damn I moved across country to do the exact same thing I was doing previously only in a colder climate? Yeah maybe New York wasn’t a good idea. But I didn’t quit, I owed it to myself and my rent payments to keep the faith, and on a fateful summer day the universe conspired to show me what happens when you don’t give up…
My BFF and I were headed to a birthday party in Brooklyn with some of her JetBlue co-workers. I went reluctantly, however by the time we got there my attitude changed. All of a sudden I felt an overwhelming desire to be as social as possible. Like seriously, it was like some super self-assured, bubbly chick had taken over my body and her mission was to be the life of the party (it was either that or the potent rum punch). I made a beeline for the backyard and started chatting people up. I was witty, I was funny, I was pleasantly intoxicated I was on fire, I was…nothing like me at all!
By the end of the night I’d found out I’d been talking to the Manager of the technology training team and she was asking me to interview for a position on her team! It seems she’d liked all that bubble in my personality and thought I’d be a great fit for her team. I of course thought it was the rum punch talking until she tracked the BFF down at work and urged her to tell me to apply.
To make a long story short I did apply. With no real prior experience and a daunting interview process that included multiple presentations, I applied, and I landed that job!

The 1st apartment I lived in by myself was a 2 room single above a bodega. My brother dubbed it the “quaint little shack”. I didn’t care though because it was all mine!
I tell this LONG story because I want it to be a reminder that every single thing in your life is working for your benefit. When you can’t see it or can’t imagine how after such craptastic luck anything good could happen to you, it can and it will. Actually that should be the sign that something HUGE is in store. I couldn’t see it clearly after the 2 interviews I’d bombed or the Macy’s pants debacle, but it was all a set up. All of those no’s were because there was an even better YES waiting for me in the wings. My better yes was paying 3 times what the other 2 jobs were paying and has launched a career that has been the saving grace of my life.
So I implore you, even when you can’t see the forest through the trees DON’T worry. Keep believing in your passions, you need not know how it will work out, just know that it will. Stay excited about your future and when the sh*t hits the fan know that only means the miracle will be that much sweeter.
Look back at some of the things that you wanted badly in your life but were never actualized. When you look back on that thing can you now be perplexed and grateful for how every little thing added up and brought you somewhere wonderful-or where you always wanted to be? When you can finally connect those dots in your life you will be grateful to know that things did not work out the way you once wanted them to.
What are some of the things you are glad didn’t work out the way you wanted them to? What dots can you connect? I’d love to hear your story.
Until we meet again, always remember, even when the lights are out and the music stops, and everyone has gone home, continue to “keep the party goin”!
I’m so glad you stayed and that things worked out, it’s wonderful to have a support system in your life to help get you where you need to be and I love that they were going to help you whether you wanted to stay or come back home!
I think the fact that my family was so open to me coming home it really encouraged me to stay. I thought since they weren’t freaking out I shouldn’t either. It was the best decision of my life.
I love the inspiration in this blog post and it reminds me so much of our parallel stories of moves to different states. I look back at all of the struggles living in Las Vegas to my life now and am still amazed that miserable time brought me to such a happy place. Everything happens for a reason. ♡
It’s always works out in the end and you and I both know firsthand the truth to that statement. All of those phone calls we shared and going through two big moves together was also such a HUGE part of me staying. Love you!
This is my fave post thus far. Why? Because it’s so inspirational and speaks to my love and believe of positive thinking and getting what is meant to be in your life by staying a good person and believing in yourself! You amaze me still with your awesome writing and your story here takes me back to all your trials and tribulations of your NYC days. Life is so funny, aints it?! Btw, you should’ve mentioned any rat stories. Hehe. Greetings from the Amalfi coast! Keep writing entertaining material for all of us!
OMG I def have a rat story or two up my sleeve for a future post. Yes my friend, not only did I make it through that time with the power of positive thinking but also with you as my BFF. You talked me off many a ledge, gave me a place to stay when I needed to come home for some encouragement, and always gave me a listening ear. For that I will always be grateful! Have fun on the Amalfi coast, can’t wait to hear about your journey!
I can so relate to this post, I experienced some really life changing events and then i didnt see the blessing which was right in front of me but now I do. I serve a great God x
Good for you sticking it out! It can be so scary moving like you did and I am so glad for you that everything worked out for the best! God is good like that!
I totally think everything happens for a reason, even the bad stuff, this is an excellent reminder!
What an inspiring story! It really is hard to see how things are working when you’re in the thick of it, but if we keep at it and stay positive things work out 🙂
This post is so inspiring. Thanks for sharing your story.
Such an inspiring post Winter. I’m 24 now and feel as if things aren’t going how they should but I am determined to stick it out. I’ve also cried on the phone to my mam countless time, it’s okay, that’s what mammies are for 🙂 xo
Winter!!!! This hit home for me! Thank you for telling this story!!! Man oh man how I would have declared it the end of the world after loosing those pants!!! LMBO!!! Starting my site is me trying to connect the dots! I think it’s happening, I’m watching and recording and sharing there! This post gave me hope to keep going and holding on to this roller coaster we call life!!! Thank you, looking forward to sharing such an awesome story as this!!!!
I am SO happy that you connected with my experience! YES losing those pants was a low point, it’s almost comical to look back on it now but at the time I thought my world was crumbling! My blog is also a place where I see the dots connecting. I have always had a passion for writing but I was afraid of it for some reason, even when friends and family kept encouraging me to do it. Randomly I ended up starting my blog because I love entertaining at my home. I thought oh this won’t be like real writing because I’ll just post about parties and that’s not as personal as being a real writier. But when I started blogging about that it just lit a fire inside that made me want to keep digging deeper. I wanted to bring a personal voice to those posts as well. Now I feel the pull to not only do posts about entertaining but also personal posts and it makes me remember how the tug of writing has always been there no matter how much I’ve tried to run from it.
This was inspirational!
Good! I’m happy to know my story is helpful to other people 🙂
This is a great story! Thanks for sharing it!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read it! I really appreciate it 🙂
Such a great post! I love how you told your story and added in pictures – that first apartment looks fab!
Thank you for taking the time to read it I really appreciate it! That first apartment was a lot of things but initially fab was not one of them lol. I didn’t tell the story about my mouse problem, I’ll have to save that for another post 😉
Such an inspiring post! Sometimes we have to change out paths in life to seek success no matter how scary it may seem at the time.
Thank you for taking the time to read it! You’re so right, the path that we have paved for ourselves may not be the best path for us, it’s nice to see where the journey may lead though 🙂
That is such a great story, and very inspiring! Great blog glad to find it!
I love this! There are so many things that have happened to me like this – the biggest one being the opposite of yours – deciding to move home. If I didn’t move home, I wouldn’t have ended up with my husband, the job I love, or any of these things currently in my life!
Loved this post! That’s awesome everything ended up working out “like it’s suppose to” and much better! Thanks for sharing! Made my day!
Great story! Thanks for sharing! Its great to hear success stories. Although there are many times where it doesn’t feel like anything is going right, in the end all that handwork and not quitting pays off. Awesome story and so glad to hear NYC ended up working out for you!